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United Nations—Treaty Series

relation to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, mean all persons being Netherlands subjects by virtue of the Netherlands nationality laws.

Article II

All these provisions of treaties or agreements in force between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of China which authorise the Netherlands Government or its representatives to exercise jurisdiction over Netherlands nationals or companies in the territory of the Republic of China are hereby abrogated. Netherlands nationals and companies in the territory of the Republic of China shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Government of the Republic of China in accordance with the principles of international law and practice.

Article III

The Netherlands Government considers that the Final Protocol concluded at Peking on September 7, 1901, between the Chinese Government and other Governments, including the Netherlands Government, should be terminated and agrees that the rights accorded to the Netherlands Government under that Protocol and under the agreements supplementary thereto shall cease.

The Netherlands Government will co-operate with the Government of the Republic of China for the reaching of any necessary agreements with other Governments concerned for the transfer to the Government of the Republic of China of the administration and control of the Diplomatic Quarter at Peiping, including the official assets and the official obligations of the Diplomatic Quarter, it being mutually understood that the Government of the Republic of China in taking over administration and control of the Diplomatic Quarter will make provision for the assumption and discharge of the official obligations and liabilities of the Diplomatic Quarter and for the recognition and protection of all legitimate rights therein.

The Government of the Republic of China hereby accords to the Netherlands Government a continued right to use for official purposes the land which has been allocated to the Netherlands Government in the Diplomatic Quarter in Peiping, on parts of which are located buildings belonging to the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Article IV

The Netherlands Government considers that the International Settlements at Shanghai and Amoy should revert to the administration and control of the Government of the Republic of China and agrees that the rights accorded to the Netherlands Government in relation to those Settlements shall cease.
No. 23