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United Nations—Treaty Series

The Netherlands Government shall not restrict the availability of guilders at the disposal of residents of Sweden for making— a) transfers to other residents of Sweden;

b) payments to residents of the Netherlands monetary area; or

c) transfers to residents of countries outside Sweden and the Netherlands monetary area to the extent to which these may be authorised by the Netherlands Government under the arrangements contemplated in Article 8 (iii).

Article 6

If the rate of exchange between the Netherlands guilder and the Swedish krona is varied, the balances shall be compensated on the date of that modification at the rate of exchange previously in force.

The resulting net balance shall then be so adjusted that the equivalent in the currency of the country to which the balance is due remains the same as before the variation of the rate.

Article 7

The Contracting Governments shall co-operate with a view of assisting each other in keeping capital transactions within the scope of their respective monetary and financial policies. While favouring transfers which by serving direct and useful economic or commercial purposes tend to further international trade, they shall endeavour to control transfers which do not serve such purposes, in particular with a view to preventing transfers detrimental to the mutual stabilisation of the currencies.

Article 8

(i) If, during the currency of this Agreement, either of the Contracting Governments adheres to a general international monetary agreement, or if the Governments on consultation find that general multilateral convertibility of one or both of the currencies is established by international monetary cooperation in other forms, the terms of the present Agreement shall be reviewed with a view to making any amendments that may be required.

(ii) While the present Agreement continues in force the Contracting Governments shall co-operate to apply it with the necessary flexibility according to