Page:United States Reports, Volume 2.djvu/490

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iv. I N D ll X. iaarrdofjadgpnt. _ nl.! Avail bcl¤ginito_•ytrlin¤a· “'l£lIl|IWhI2Il|!I.¢3¤0!i¤$l2lIl’ft.`{ braid, beingloaded ylnaaganthue, of judgment, mul} be made. $29. and afterwards atzachtd ; the agent is Any aception which may be taken not liable to the freighter for damages. advantage of on a writ of lrror, may . 213. alfa be taken advantagedkn amntiun A debt in fait may be attadtod. inarrdt af judgment. ag:. a. hb! dn 5:;;. A ¢ to partners may at- ARTICLES or PEACE. tgrekdby = frvvhzrglrloimr Moor of • _ { Pllflltfl, W |°$°V¢I'I III•

 ·¤·* ·*~=.··········= . #2-

"· ”"*“· in 3:-Grruit mu mi; I1; . 9 . ASSIGL l`. . _ an hr { Fam, Manne asgb A l.`i`ORNEY·GENERAL' - me amy anne ptsmdm ¤¤=·v=·¤ ¤··=·¤·»=··· =n¤i==··i ` I [uma; u.am_{q._ at am 4, Attorney Gmerald the United *it;t;; lnwlut rafts notice an gn. '°“ °‘ ‘ "‘ ‘°"‘“"` " ‘““·“` ""gjl .»..w$$.’?;'§ £ZZ.;`EZ’?.?.EE¤1?`r‘EZ."’......` "‘ whnhuakdgumcpummnm ' exlohcioforaruandamua to tb: Cir- of omditicns, is within the act em- nm L°*n·s I :’_ 4°9~ ' (E t fa ' his _ " ·"‘ “‘f·'· "°...,...,..,...,"°"°""T ""`° ° ° "’ $,2 A - TKRNILS. Assumsxr. §· ’· , eggs; s-ern f‘·· _· ATrAcHM1:NTs. ‘·· ¤¤·*···=- A Iarzignattachmaut will not lie `L_ , A-(1G j Gu- sgairll Executors. 13 4. 91. 8. "j _’ _ ‘ “' Patmrrlhip debts cannot bc atta¢·h~ " ‘FpI'$"¥""""· cd to anfwcr 2 feparate dcbt. [gm;.] ·-*Al·L- 73. 4. bn; Pradire. " A rule to take depoitions granted, BANKRUPT. before the return ofa Sci. Fa- ill I F0— C ; Gdbrli brianging to another,

 ¤¤¤=~hr·=¤¤¤ on ¤¤¤¢= ro dwzvg l ar. _ ».!r¤m¤¤ iz . Bankrnpt, which

W '*’— _ _ _ 7 · the lav, nikcs fusnjrél to the commill A m°“°¤ W d•E°l"° il F°""E¤ *¥' 2 lien, a, goods which the truc owner

·§‘_;_m“&b°m“d' '° we cm"! al- I allow;
bankrupt to Jell as bi; cum;

¤ em- '9·· I-E h ‘·ll de.b. e . it-l..;.t.m...?d0;;.;;..;e¤Q;. l {§§.i1, *’.r'i2i..Tk““ 'M ""“ Til, ` Pa W °¤ ¤° A nar lrupt'- ta inga nt , nr note, _ H3. lor gvgorr fold at faéiondoca nw ticllroy -When are fo veiled in a Fo- the righi of the principal to the tnnncy min °°°”S”‘°· dm ****1 WY br ¤¢- In mwcd. S;. 8. tachtd. :8o. 1 .2. _. ' fl db difh ' E ¤.i..,...., t. .....»..¤ lm they M§.§3§Z.§ are cue and payable. ut. here. too, The fa•?t_ol' a deht due to the Dc- (heyy, whether a deed made, wirh— {endaut, being admitted in tllr anfwcn nu; ; valuable conlnlcration to 3 child, of the garmfhce. the Court would give yi m ea of bdnkrupzcy. 1 :.6. 7. °¤dE¤l¤{¥°¤ ¤W¤¢¤· iii- ln. What debt of the peritioning credi- A $"” NFW VFW * l¤dK¤¤¢¤¤ ob- ¤ rr it litllicient to fuppurt a commifiion tained in thc_ Supreme Court again;} uf bmkmph "6_ 7_ g gatmihuc is to be brought there, |; is egmpetent to third perfonn, though judgment had been obtained I wlmfe iutereib are allcélcd. to take ld- ln the Common Pleas againit the ari- vgmgge of the irregularity of thc pro- gunl debtor. _ zu. zu. ending. under a eommillion of bank- When the garmlhec {hall be liable rjpk H6. 7, to pay intercfl, and when not. ng. 6, What