Page:United States Reports, Volume 209.djvu/608

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LIENS. LIMITATION OF ACTIONS. $?e PubLic I.?om?, 2. LIQUIDATION OF COMMUNITY. $ez ActtoNs, 4; LOCALITY OF CRIME. ? CON?'I'ITU?IONAL I?AW, 8. LOCAL LAW. //[cra?. L?ws of 1905, c. 495, ? 27. Cattle inspection (see lntemtate Commerce, 13). Asbe// v. Kay, 251. Ken/uc?. Taxation o! spirits in bond (see Constitutional l?w, ?;). T?o?tp- M/?h/g?n. Water boundaries (see Public Lands, 1). Un/?d ? v. C?ndier-Du,?r Co., 447. Tax sale? (ase Constitutional L?w, ?). Lo?ye?r v. Tco/?n, 414. Ne?o Jersey. I?ws o! 1905, c. 238, relative to divere/on of waters (see COn- et?tutlon,al Law, 8). H?o? ?'a/?r Co. v. ,?/cCa?t?, 349. l?Jght of challenge to ?rand ju?r? (see Constitutionsl I?w, 10). ]..<mg v. New Yer?y, 46. ?rm/e? de?'ec/? in ?e?/i?j?, e/c. Where the cause of action is a?ain?t the members o[ a copartnership who afterwards .incorporate their bus/nees, thereelves tak|n? practically aH the stock end continu/n? without chan?/n? their relations with employds, the f?ct that the suit /s coramerced a?.inst the corporation w? held under the circumstances of this case, and in view of the fact that no testimony was offered, to be w/thin the provlaions of the Oklahoma statute, 146, art. 8, c. 66, Wilson's Ann. Stat., requirin? the court to allafeard, ?nd not reverse for, defects of pleadin? or procoedln? not affectin? the subetantlal ri?ts of the pa?ties. McC? & ? Co. v. W//*on, Po?to ?/co. Co?e, art. 62, p?r. 5, a?iminlatration of estates of deeedent? (see Jurisdiction, C). (? v. de Rub/o, 283. l?wbe, te ju?/?iiction oF eour? (see Courts, 5). ? v. de .?/?, 283. ?"ea?ee. Statute of 187S relat/ve to suits a?a/nst States (see Actions, Geaer? Oil Co. v. Crain, 211. Act of 1899 providin? for inspect/on of oil (see Interstate Commerce, 8). Oene?'a/O//?o. v. Cm/n, 211.