Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/807

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And the form of a certificate for the transportation coastwise, of goods intended to be exported to another district, to be granted in pursuance of the entry aforesaid, shall be as follows:

District of
Port of

Form of certificate for transportation coastwise of goods entitled to drawback.We certify, that the merchandise herein after specified, which are now shipped by on board the of master, bound for the port of were duly imported into this district, on the day of by in the of master, from and the duties thereon paid, or secured to be paid, according to law.

Tare allowed. Marks. Numbers. Packages, contents, value and rates of duty collected or secured. Amount of duties.
      Here insert each package in detail, the contents, quality and value, if articles subject to duties ad valorem, with the rates of duty collected or secured, as the case may require.  

The amount of duties, paid or secured, being dollars.

A. B. Collector.
C. D. Naval Officer.

And the form of an entry for goods arriving coastwise, accompanied with a certificate as aforesaid, for the purpose of obtaining a drawback, shall be as follows:

Form of entry at the port of arrival of goods transported coastwise.
Entry of merchandise, transported coastwise, for (insert the name or names of the consignee) in the (insert denomination and name of the vessel) whereof (insert the name) is master, from (insert the name of the port or district) for the purpose of being exported from the district of (insert the district in which they are to be unladen) for the benefit of drawback; which were imported in the district of (insert the district of original importation) on the (insert the date of importation) by (insert the importer’s name) in the (insert the denomination and name of the vessel, and master’s name) from (insert the foreign port or place from whence imported.)
Marks. Numbers. Packages. Contents.

And on making the said entry, an oath or affirmation shall be taken, which shall be of the form following, to wit:

Form of oath on making such entry.I (insert the name) do solemnly, sincerely and truly swear (or affirm) according to the best of my knowledge and belief, that the entry by me subscribed is just and true, that the merchandise therein mentioned have been duly imported and the duties thereupon paid, or secured to be paid, according to law.

And the form of a permit for unlading goods transported coastwise, with a certificate as aforesaid, for the purpose of obtaining a drawback, shall be as follows:

Port of

Permit for unlading goods transported coastwise, for the benefit of drawback.Permit (insert the name of the person making entry) to land, from on board the (insert denomination and name of vessel, and name of master) master from (insert the port and district from which arrived, and the number of packages and contents, with their marks and numbers, agree-