Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/1052

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1008 TREATY WITH ARGENTINE CONFEDERATION. JULY 27, 1853. tation be made in vessels of the 6 exportacion se efectué en buques United States, or in vessels of the de la Confederacion Argentina 6 en Argentine Confederation. buques de los Estados Unidos. Airrrcuz VII. Anrrcuro VII. How nationality The contracting parties agree to Las partes contratantes se con- 0fv¤SS¤l¤ is $0 be consider and treat, as vessels of the vienen en considerar y tratar como °°m°d° United States and of the Argentine buques de la. Confederacion Argen- Confederation, all those which, being tina, y de los Estados Unidos, todos furnished by the competentauthority aquellos que hallandose munidos witharegular passport or sea-letter, por la competente autoridad, con shall, under the then existing laws un pasavante en debida forma 6 and regulations of either of the two patente, puedan, segun las leyes y governments, be recognized fully reglamentos entonces existentes, ser and bond fide as national vessels, by reconocidos plenamente y bond fide that country to which they respec- como buques nacionales por aquel tively belong. pais al que respectivamente pertenezcan. Anricnn VIII. Anriouro VIII. Pyivilgggg Og All merchants, commanders of Todos los comerciantes, comangitgéns ¤¤d¢<é ships, and others, citizens of the dantes de buqueydemas ciudadanos ,;;QEfiu;Q5_ °` United States, shall have full liberty, de la Confederacion Argentina, in all the territories of the Argentine tendran plena libertad en todos los Confederation, to manage their own territorios de los Estados Unidos, affairs themselves, or to commit para cuidar por si mismos de sus them to the management of whom- propios, negocios 6 para coniiados a soever they please, as broker, factor, la direccion de quien mejor les agent, or interpreter; nor shall they parezca como corredor, factor, agente be obliged to employ any other 6intérprete;yno seran obligados é. persons in those capacities than emplear otras personas para aquellos those employed by citizens of the objetos, que aquellas empleadas por Argentine Confederation, nor to pay los ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos, them any other salary or remu- ni a pagarles otro salario 6 remuneneration than such as is paid in like racion que aquella que, en iguales cases by citizens of the Argentine casos se paga por los ciudadanos Confederation. And absolute free- de dichos Estados Unidos. Y se dom shall be allowed in all cases, to concede absoluta libertad en todos the buyer and seller, to bargain and los casos al comprador y vendedor fix the price of any goods, wares, para tratar y lijar el precio, como or merchandise imported into, or mejor les parezca, de cualquier exported from, the Argentine Con- efecto,géneroo mercanciaimportado federation, as they shall see good — 6 exportado de los Estados Unidos, observing the laws and established con observancia de las leyes y usos customs of the country. The same establecidos en el pais. Los mismos rights and privileges, in all respects, derechos y privilegios eu todos shall be enjoyed in the territories respectos se conceden en los terriof the United States, by the citizens torios de la Confederacion Argenof the Argentine Confederation. tinaalos ciucladanos de los Estados The citizens of the two contracting Unidos. Los ciudadanos de las parties shall reciprocally receive dos partes contratantes recibiran y and enjoy full and perfect protection disfrutaran reciprocamente la. mas for their persons and property, and completa y perfecta proteccion para shall have free and open access to sus personas y bienes, y tendran the courts of justice in the said acceso francoylibrealos tribunales countries respectively, for the pros- de justicia en los respectivos paises ecution and defence of their just para la prosecucion y defenza de