Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/108

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88 THIRTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 108. 1852. Proviso as to offices of the United States, one hundred thousand dollars: Provided,

  • ’*X”·i°”· That the said lot and building shall be exempted from city and all other

taxes whatever by the act of the Legislature of Virginia: And, provided _Pr<>vi¤<> M M further, That before the Secretary of the Treasury shall erect the said QQ, rd °°°` building, it shall Hrs: be his duty to procure a. proper site or lot of ` ground, and to make a contract or contracts for the erection of said building and furnishing the same, at a sum or sums which shall not in the whole exceed the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, inclusive of said lot, which said contract or contracts shall be secured by good and sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the said Secretary of the Treasury and President of the United States. _ 1’<>¤‘¤¤m<>¤*=h, For annual repairs and oillce fixtures for the custom—house at Ports- I1.§'QjJ’{,Sf‘“‘d °m°" rinoutnl, Newdiliiiagipshire, Erie, Pennsylvania, and other places, twenty- ve thousand dollars. Bldtimorgl To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase an addition to the custom-house at Baltimore, and to repair and alter the edifice, one hundred and ten thousand dollars, said sum to cover all expenses of purchase, repair, and improvement. Wmcbomugh For purchasing a site and the construction of a suitable building at Waldoborougb, Maine, for custom-house, post-office, and other ofnces of the United States, and furnishing the same, twelve thousand dollars: Prqviw M w Provided, That said lot and building shall be exempted from city and m“°‘°“‘ all other taxes whatever by the act of the Legislature of Maine: And, _ Pmviso as to provided further, That before the Secretary of the Treasury shall erect

  • '° t md °°”· the said building, it shall first be his duty to procure a proper site or lot

m°of ground, and to make a contract or contracts for the erection of said building and furnishing the same, at a sum or sums which shall not in the whole exceed the sum of twelve thousand dollars, inclusive of said lot; which said contract or contracts shall be secured by good and sufIicient suretics to the satisfaction of the said Secretary of the Treasury and President of the United States. Foreign mma Intercaurse with Foreign Nations.-For salaries of ministers of the course. United States to Great Britain, France, Russia, Prussia, Spain, Brazil, Mexico, and Chili, seventy-two thousand dollars. I For gallanies of the secretaries of legation to the same places, sixteen t xousan dollars. For outfit of ministers of the United States to Great Britain and Mexico, eighteen thousand dollars. For salary of the minister resident to Turkey, six thousand dollars. I Fgr Saga? of the dragoman to the legation to '1‘urkcy,twenty-five mn re dollars. For salaries of charges Jafaires to Portugal, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Holland, Belgium, Naples, Sardinia, the Papal States, Peru, New Grenada, Venezuela, Buenos Ayres, Bolivia, Guatemala, Ecuador, and Nicaragua, seventy-six thousand five hundred dollars. d §`0r contingent expenses of all the missions abroad, forty thousand 0 ars. For contingent expenses of foreign intercourse, forty thousand dollars. d for expenses of intercourse with the Barbary powers, nine thousand 0 ars. For salary of the consul at London, two thousand dollars. d §`OI‘ salary of the Commissioner to the Sandwich Islands, five thousand 0 ars. For interpreters, guards, and other expenses of the consulates at Constantinople, Smyrna, and Alexandria, fifteen hundred dollars. (1 i$0l‘ office rent of the consul at Basle, in Switzerland, one hundred 0 ars. For salary and outfit of a. commissioner to reside in China, including the additional compensation under the act to carry into effect certain