Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/1105

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TREATY WITH THE SHAWNEES. MAY 10, 1854. 1061 DAVID DESHANE, his x mark. L. s. MORRIS, his x mark. L. s. BILL LITTLETAIL, his x mark. L. s. GEORGE MGDOUGAL, his x mark. L. s. Executed in presence of us, Augt. 21, 1854. RronAm> C. MEEK, A. S. Jonsson, ’l`no1uAs S. Lewis, LUTHER M. CAn·rEn, CHARLES BLUE Jaoxnr, UC SC Interpreter. I do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument of writing was fully explained by me to the Shawnee tribe of Indians, in council assembled, on the day and year last above written, and that they did accept and consent to the said foregoing instrument of writing, and subscribed their names and aiiixed their seals thereto, in my presence. Given under my hand this 22d day of Aug., 1854. B. F. ROBINSON, Bodian Agent for the Kansas Agency. Whereas the Shawnee Indians in full council assembled did, on the 21st day of August, 1854, assent to the amendments of the Senate of the 2d of August, 1854, to the Articles of Agreement and Convention, concluded between them and the United States on the 10th of May, 1854, which assent was coupled with conditions as follows: “But this assent is given on the condition that neither the present or any future council shall ever make provision for the retended claims of R. W. Thompson of Indiana, George C. Johnson of lOhio,or Ewing and Clymer; and upon the further condition, that no national or tribal obligations shall ever be made by the council to pay the debts of individual Shawnees to traders or other persons."And whereas the Secretary of the Department of the Interior, having in his letter of September 12th, 1854, to the Superintendent of Indian Affairs at St. Louis, expressed the opinion that the above-named conditions were of such a character as to require the constitutional action of the Senate, before the treaty could be proclaimed or executed. And whereas the said Shawnee Indians are now in full council assembled to take into consideration the suggestion or advice of the Secretary of the Interior that the assent to said amendments should be unconditional. Therefore, we the chiefs, councillors, and head men of said tribe, in their behalf, and by their direction, and in review of the suggestions in the letter of the Secretary of the Interior, do rescind the said conditions, and hereby assent to the said amendments, and unconditionally accept and consent to the same. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals, this 28th day of September, 1854. JOSEPH PARKS, his x mark. L. s. GEORGE McDOUGAL, his x mark. L. s. BLACK HOOF, his x mark. L. s. HENRY BLUE JACKET, his x mark. L. s. GRAHAM ROGERS, his x mark. L. s. MATHEW KING, his x mark. - L. s. PASCHAL FISH, his x mark. L. s. JOSEPH FLINT, his x mark. L. s. JOSEPH HAY, his x mark. L. s. WILSON ROGERS, his x mark. L. s. LONGTAIL, his x mark. L. sq GEORGE BLUE JACKET, his x mark. L. s.