Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/1192

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1148 TREAT Y WITH THE YVILLAMETTE INDIANS. JAN. 22, 1855. SENEGERTTA, his x mark, [L. s. PUL-I-CAN, his x mark, [L. si TE-NA, or KILES, his x mark, [L, s.] PUL-KUP-TI-MA, or JOHN, his x mark, [L. s.] SAL-LAF, or SILAS, his x mark, [L. s.] HOIP-KE—NEK, or JACK, his x mark, [L. s.] YEP-TAH, his x mark, [L. s.] SATINVOSE, or JAMES, his x mark, [L. Executed in presence of us —- EDWVARD R. Granny, Secretary. Cars. TAYLOR, Aunnnw Snrrn, JOHN FLETT, Interpreter. And whereas the said treaty having been submitted to the Senate of the United States, for its constitutional action thereon, the Senate did, on the third day of March, eighteen hundred and £ifty-five, advise and consent to the ratification of its articles, by a resolution in the words and iigures following, to wit: —— "IN Exncnrrvn Session, SENATE or rnn Umrnn Srnrns, "]lIarc}z 3, 1855. Assent of “Re.soZved, (two thirds of the senators present concurring,) That the S°““t°‘ Senate advise and consent to the ratification of the articles of agreement and convention made and concluded at Dayton, Oregon Territory, by Joel Palmer, superintendent of Indian affairs on the part of the United States, and the following named chiefs of the confederated bands of Indians residing in the Willamette Valley, they being duly authorized thereto by their respective bands, to wit: Ki-a-kuts, Le Medicin, and Yats-kow, or Dave, chiefs of the Tualatin band of Calapooias ; Shap-h, or "William, Shel-ke-ah, or David, and Cha-ah, or Jesse, chiefs of the Yam Hill band; Dabo, or Jim, Sco-la-quit, or John, and Yah-kow, or Kompetine, chiefs of the Che-luk-i-1na·uke band; Ah-mo, or George, Himpher, or Hubbard, and Oh—no, or Tim, chiefs of the Chep-en-a-pho, or Marysville band; Ma·mah-mo, or Charley Peter, Cha—che-clue, or Tom, and Quincilat, or Ben, chiefs of the Chem-a-pho, or Maddy band ; Luck-a-ma-foo, or Antoine, and Hoo-til, or Charley, chiefs of the Che-lam-e-la, or Long Tom band, all of the Calapooias; Qui-a-qua-ty, Yal-kus, and Kow-kama, or Long Hair, chiefs of the Mo-lal-la band of Mo-lal-las ; Kiles, or Jim, and Kow-ah-tough, or John, chiefs of the Calapooia band of Calapooias; Anta-quil-al-la, or John, and Mequah, of the Winnefelly and Mohawk bands; Yack-a-tee, or Sam, To-phor or Jim Brown, and Halla-be, or Doctor, of the Tekopa band.; Pulk-tah, of the Chafan band of the Calapooia tribe; Tum·walth and O-ban-a-hah, chiefs of the Wahlal-la band of Tum~waters ; Watch-a-no; Te-ap-i-nick and Wal-lah—picote, chiefs of the Clack-a-mas tribe ;‘ Lallak and Cuck-a-man-na, or David, of the Glow-we-wal-la, or Willamette Tum—water band; Tow—ye-col-la, or Louis; Yalk·ma, or Jo, La-ham, or Tom, Joseph Sanegertta, Pullican, Te-na, or Kiles, Pul-kup—li-ma, or John, Sallaf, or Silas, Hoip-ke—nek or Jack, Yepta, and Sat invose, or James, chiefs and headmen of the Santam bands of the Calap0oias." "Attest: ASBURY DICKINS, " Secretary." Now, therefore, be it known, that I, FRANKLIN PIERCE, President of the United States of America, do, in pursuance of the advice and