Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/189

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THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 80. 1853. 169 No district attorney, marshal, or clerk, or their deputies, shall receive ¥°°f*“’-1*Y f°"*`°· any other or greater compensation for any services rendered by him than ggxug g°°'m is provided in this act; and all acts and parts of acts, allowing to either mpeg! cffor. of them any other or greater fees than is herein provided, are hereby re- ¤¤¢1‘ P¤‘¤Vi¤i¤¤¤- peeled, and to receive any other or greater compensation is hereby declared to be ss, misdemeanor. And if any officer hereiubefore mentioned, or his deputy, shall, by reasoxvor cover of his office, wilfully and corruptly demand and receive any other or greater fees than those allowed in this act, he shall, on conviction thereof in any court of the. United States, forfeit and pay a. fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, and be imprisoned not exceeding six months, at the discretion of the court before whom the conviction shall be had. But this shall not be construed to prohibit the payment of any salary authorized by statute: Provided, P¥<>ViS¤· That in the State of California and the Territory of Oregon, officers, Double feesin jurors, and witnesses shall be allowed, for the term of two years, double md C"' the fees and compensation allowed by this act, and the same fees allowed by this act, with fifty per cent. added thereto, for two years thereafter. That before any bill of costs shall be taxed by any Judge or other ofH- gm of gggfg of cer, or allowed by any officer of the treasury, in favor of clerks, marshals, ¤l¤¤‘k5, &¤·. W b¤ commissioners, or district attorneys, the party claiming such bill shall °w°m °°' prove by his own oath, or some other person having a. knowledge of the facts, to be attached to such bill, and filed therewith, that the services charged therein have been actually and necessarily performed, as therein stated. That witnesses who are required to attend any term of the court on Wim,,,,,,, M_ the part of the United States, shall be subpoenaed to attend to testify gene- tendemee ot'. rally on their behalf, and not depart. the court without leave of the court or district attorney, under which it shall be their duty to appear before the grand jury or petit jury, or both, as they shall be required by the court or district attorney. No writ shall be necessary to bring into court 3,·;,,g;,,g gm, may prisoner or person in custody, or for remanding him from the court <¤¤¤¤_ wd _N- into custody; but the same shall be done on the order of the court or gfhug P"°°" district attorney, for which no fee shall be charged by the clerk or marsha]. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That if any person shall falsely _ Penalty for take an oath or affirmation in relation to any matter authorized by this P°¤¤¤‘.Y· ect, such person shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and upon conviction thereof shall suffer the pains and penalties in that case provided. Sec. 5. And be itjiut/ner enacted, That all laws and regulations here- Repeal 0;-;,,.. tofore made, which are incompatible with the provisions of this act, are ¤0¤¤¤¤¤tf1m, hereby repealed and abrogated : Provided, nevertlwlcss, That this act ;’;f°6’:ft $8;,6,] shall not be construed to repeal or modify amy clause or provision of an ing mqnives act approved the eighteenth September, eighteen hundred and fifty, en- f*°I§¤;° g*· titled “An act to amend, and supplementary to the act entitled ‘An act ` respecting fugitives from justice, and persons escaping from the service of their masters} approved February twelfth, seventeen hundred and ninety- three." _ _ Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the act approved Septemher dimdégw gg ' twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and fifty, entitled "r}n act to provide GSM0mm_ tor extending the laws and judicial system of the United States to the State of Calitbrnia," be so amended as to confer on the district court of 1850, en. ac. the State of California jurisdiction in all crinzninnl cases. as fully and completely as is conferred by law upon the d1St1'10t or cn‘cu1t court of the State of New York. A1-rnovnv, February 26, 1853. v01,. x. l’U1s.—22