Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/314

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294 THIRTY-THIRD CON GRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 60. 1854. PriutJngi·etux·¤s. For the printing of the returns before mentioned, the sum of fifteen thousand nine hundred and nine dollars and ninety-three cents; Paper. For the paper purchased for said printing, the sum of twenty-seven thousand one hundred and six dollars and sixty-eight cents: Provided, Pmviso. That the sums hereinbefore mentioned be paid to the printer who executed the printing, and to the contractor who furnished the paper, respectively, at the Treasury of the United States; Glcrks in vmqv For compensation of two additional clerks m the office of the Supgringf;,§ggé?* p°bh° tendent of Public Printing, one thousand two hundred dollars; Printing of Ex- For the printing of Executive Departments, including paper and print- °°¤*W° °g§~;”· ing the annual estimates of appropriations for the year one thousand mms M1eight hundred and fifty-five, aud for printing, paper, and binding twenty Printing report thousand copies of the Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury <>¤"S°¤·T¤¤·¤¤¤’· on Commerce and Navigation for the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, nine thousand and eighty-Eve dollars. Wbepsrtmont of WAR DEPARTMENT. glderetery or For the increased compensation of the Secretary of War from the wm`- fourth of March, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, to the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand six hundred and fifty-five dollars and fifty-Eve cents; House at cor- For rent of house on northwest corner of F and Seventeenth streets,

 wd mh and warming all the rooms in it, three hundred and eighty-five dollars ;

comysnmaon For the compensation and expenses of the commission of civilians and <>F_<;i‘~'il¤=°·¤¤ Md military men appointed under the provisions of the first section of the gggtgifusggctd act entitled "An act making appropriations for the support of the army ect 1853, ch. 98. for the year ending the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty four," approved third of March, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, to determine matters connected with the management of the national armories, five thousand nine hundred and ninety-six dollars and Pr0vi¤¤· sixty-one cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary: Provided, That in the payment of such oilieers of the army as may have served on that commission, their pay, as such officers, shall be deducted; Volunteers lp For arrearages of pay for services of volunteers in the Kentucky regi- £;;’lQ'f‘°kY '°g" 1(pept called into service in eighteen hundred and thirty-six, one thousand 0 ers; Black Hawk For arreztmges of pay for services rendered by volunteers or militia wm" in the Bleek Hawk W`ar, one thousand dollars ; Lossesbywreok For clothing for the army, camp and garrison equipage, and horse §,€uf1*f•,‘;Z:" Mn equipments, to supply the place of losses sustained by the wreck of the ' stippier San Francisco, twenty-six thousand five hundred and ninety do rs ; vcwxdrmg- For deficiencies for the railroad surveys between the Mississippi River mgippi mm, and the Paenie Ocean, forty thousand dollars. _ mmfy D<=1>¤r*» NAVY DEPARTMENT. Secrwry of For the increased compensation of the Secretary of the Navy, from N‘“’Y‘ the fourth of March, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, to the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, two thousand five hundred and eighty~four dollars and sixty-one cents; Continpent ex- For contingent expenses of the Southwest Executive Building, viz: YV2Q22E0f3g,` For fueland lights, seven hundred dollars; building. For miscellaneous items, eight hundred dollars; coutmgeutsg- For contingent expenses of the navy, that may accrue for the following P°’”*°*· purposes, viz: freight and transportation, printing and stationery, advertisingin newspapers, books, maps, models and drawings, purchase and ` repair of tire-engines and machinery, repairs of and attending to steameugines in nnvy—yards, purchase and maintenance of horses and oxen, and