Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/32

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12 THIRTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sxcss. I. C11. 54. 1852. general control the control and regulation of the Director of the Mint at Philadelphia, 9"°' th? b’*?”°h subject to the approbation of the Secretary of the Treasury; Oand, for gd (géllgfgégigc that purposc,·it shall be the duty of the said director to presoribe such r¤g¤l¤¤i¤¤¤- regulations, and require such returns periodically and occasionally, as shall appear to him to be necessary for the purpose of carrying into effect the intention of this act in establishing the said branch; also, for the purpose of discriminating the coin which shall be stamped at send branch and at the mint itself; and also for the purpose of preserving uniformity of weight, form, and Hneness, in the coins stamped at. said branch; and for that purpose, to require the transmission and delivery to him at the mint, from time to time, of such parcels of the coinage of said branch as he shall think proper, to be subjected to such assays and tests as he shell direct. Lows respect- Sec. 5. And be it further enacted That all the laws and parts of

B¤¤:id laws now in force for the regulation of the mint of the United States,

8d§,°§Qs¥,Q,_u”Qht and for the government of the officers and persons employed therein, and for the punishment of all offences connected with the mint or coinage of the United States, shall be, and they are hereby declared to be in full force in relation to the branch of the mint by this act established, so far as the same may be applicable thereto. No Pgnugngnt Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That no permanent location of \<>¤¤¤i¤¤ f<> b¤ said mint shall be made, or buildings erected therefor, until the State of §]}“d°m:Qt;fl"dt?j California shell, by some law or other public act, pledge the faith of the Cgfoinm has State that no tax shall at any time be laid, assessed, or collected by the

~*q°;*él ¤°* V) said State, or under the authority of the said State, on the said branch

mint, or on the buildings which may be erected therefor, or on the Extures and machinery which may be used therein, or on the lands on Pmy]g0_ which the same may be placed; but nothing in this section contained, shall be understood as implying an admission that any such power of taxation rightfully exists. Brunch to be Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the said branch mint shall "·”Pé°·;’,:I_ °fu:l; be the place of deposit for the public moneys collected in thetcustomgmlays; P houses in the State of California, and for such other public moneys as Tmwm, of the Secretary of the Treasury may direct; and the treasurer of said mirgtt tz bg M branch mint shell have the custody of the same, and shall perform the f35p'?} U_ Sw" duties of an assistant treasurer, and for that purpose shall be subject to all the provisions contained in an act entitled “An act to provide for the better organization of the Treasury, and for the collection, safekeeping, transfer, and disbursement of the public revenue," approved August the 1s4c,¤h.90. Bulb, 0110 thvusend (iight hundred aud forty-six, which relates to the treasurer of the branch mint at New Orlmns. Gold to bq Sec. 8. And be it further emactcd, That, if required by the holder, M¤¢€y¤;!m¤¤£m gold in grain or lumps shall be refined, assayed, cast into bars or ingots, gl'? mggur md und stamped in said branch mint, or in the mint of the United States, or stumped at cx- any of its branches, in such manner as may indicate the value and fine- Eftgf °f d°P°' ness of the bar or ingot, which shall be paid for by the owner or holder ' of said bullion, at such rates and charges, and under such regulations, as the Director of the Mint, under the control of the Secretary of the Treasury, my from time to time establish. when mm i, Sec. 9. nd be it further enacted, That so soon as the said branch umb1i¤he¢;Libr— mint is established in the State of California, and public notice shall be lgffm gs'; ‘°f’ given thereof in the mode to be designated by the Secretary of the y0!' D. . . . qturoymu N. lrezxsury, then so much of the act making appropriations for the civil Pm9d- and diplomatic expenses of the government for the year ending thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, and for other purposes," as pro- 185l,ch.90. vides for the appointment of an United States Assayer, and the contracting for the ussaying and fixing the value of gold in grain or lumps, cmd for forming the same into bars, be, and the whole of the clause containing said provisions shall be hereby repealed.