Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/330

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310 THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 105. 1854. md Kansas; advice and consent of the Senate, a Surveyor-General for the Territories his °PP°i¤”¤3°¤*» of Nebraska and Kansas, who shall locate his office at such place as the · Egg:?,;,???::] President of the United States shall from time to time direct, mid whom, tion- duties, powers, obligations and responsibilities and compensation shan bg the same as those of the Surveyor-General of Wisconsin and Iowa, and · who shall be allowed the same amount for office rent, fuel, incidental ex— peuses, and clerk hire, as is allowed to said Surveyor-General of Wisocnsin and Iowa. stmdard med- Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That said Surveyor-General

 QQ‘;g°:':;_`_ shall cause the necessary surveys to be made in said Territories of standvgygd, ard meridian, base, and parallel lines, and of township and subdivisioiml

lines, under such rules and regulations as shall be prescribed by the Commissioner of the General Land-Oilice. Qerteinlauds SEO. 12. And be it further enacted, That all the lands to which the

“gJr:‘g’O':’:tP€h° Indian title has been or shall be extinguished within said Territories of

fof of 184], 6h_ Nebraska and Kansas, shall be subject to the operations of the Preémp- 16· tion Act of fourth September, eighteen hundred and forty-one, and under the conditions, restrictions, and stipulations therein mentioned; Provided Pmviso. however, That where unsurvcyed lands are claimed by preemption, notice of the specihc tracts claimed shall be filed within three months after the survey has been made in the field, and ou failure to file such notice or to pay for the tracts claimed before the day Hxed for the public sale of the lands by the proclamation of the President of the United States, Proviso. the parties claiming such lands shall forfeit all right thereto: Provided, said notices may be tiled with the Surveyor-General, and to be noted by him on the township plats, until other arrangements shall have been made b law for that ur cse. Omaha Land SEO.y13. And be Iii5U5h6T enacted, That the public lands in the Ter- District. ritory of Nebraska, to which the Indian title shall have been extinguished, shall constitute aa ugw lang} district to be Icalled the (£malhahD¥tx§ct; and the public n s in e Territo of ausas, to w ic the n ian title shallphave been extinguished, shall constitute a new land district, to pww, Land be called the Pawnee District: the officers for each of which districts °‘§“fI€Zs-oss “”3"hZ°·“§Z”1$h°d€iS`*°h.f’2’i"” “* tf,°bP’°Sid°’*Zt”?E dZS’5J2xEZiiZZ£’ - an is re au orize o a om an wi e - Register and sent of the Seuhte, a Register arid Receizer of Public Moneys for each fé§";°f,{;’{x& of said districts, who shall each be required to reside at the site of their to bg sppsgptsd, respective offices, and they shall have the same powers, perform the same duties, and be entitled to the same compensation as are or may be prescribed by law in relation to other land-otiices of the United States. Land fp bg And the President is hereby authorized to cause the surveyed lands to ¤¤¤‘V¤.Y°d wd be` exposed for sale from time to time, in the same manner and upon the ff§f'°d f" sage terms and conditions as the other public lands of the United States. rmovzv, July 22, 1854. July gr, 1354, CHAP. C`Y`.——An Act cmqtinga Collection District in Mw Yark, to be called the District —-·-—···-·—-·—·· of Dunk:.r/c, and canstituzing Dunkirk a Port of Envy, and the Ports of Barcelona, Salver Greek, and Ccttaraugus Creek, Ports of Delivery. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Collection dis- States of America in Ocmgress assembled, That the counties of Cattarau— gigbgfslggnmk gus and Chautauque and the harbors, rivers, and waters on the southern gm dm,}-M shore of Lake Erie, in the State of New York, west of and including d¤¤iz¤¤¤¤d· Cattaraugus Creek and the shores, on each side. of said creek, and west along the shore aud territory bordering on Lake Erie aforesaid, to the Pennsylvania State line, and the islands in the said lake contiguous thereto, heretofore embraced in the District of Buffalo Creek, shall be and Dukmmmo are hereby constituted a collection district to be called the District of uxspmorenh-y. Dunkirk; and a port of entry for said district is hereby established at