Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/355

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THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 193, 194. 1854. 335 approved on the second of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, for §¤rv¢y<>¤— importing mcrchagdise into Pittsburgh, Wheeling, and other places. §Q:]3§;g“§[1_ APPROVED, August 2, 1854. tics and c07mpcn- "'*“' sm;:;;. ch 87 CHA?. CXCIII.—An Act creating zz Collection District in Texas and Nav Mexico. August 2, 1854. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Oangress assembled, That the county of E1 Paso mggsgfgégf in the Smte of Texas and the Territory of New Mexico ba, and they acoylecgion dig. are hereby created a. collection district, which shall be called the Dis- ¤ji<=§_<=¤U¢d the trict of Paso del Norte, and Frontera within said county of E1 Paso Pam is hereby made a port of entry and delivery for said district. Frontera made Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That there shall be a. Collector of ¤ P0¤· Qf¢¤¤‘.Y Customs appointed for said district, together with such other officers as mg °§1“'°"Y‘ d are provided for by law. The said collector shall reside at Frontera Cth; aforesaid, and he shall be entitled to a salary, not exceeding two thousand be appointed. dollars per annum, including in that sum the fees allowed by law; and _Col1e¤tor-m- the amount he shall collect in any one year for fees, exceeding the sum QQ3g?;? M"] of two thousand dollars, shall be accounted for and paid into the treasury Fees 6X6g8d_ of the United States. ing $$,000 m bo Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the District Court for the Q3;_;‘;;°° U' S' Territory of New Mexico shall have and exercise jurisdiction over all Dawg; court cases which shall arise in the Collection District of Paso del Norte, in the for territoyy of administration of the revenue laws, in the same manner, as if the said gw M°?“°9 *9 . . . . . , . . ave Jurisdiction district was enurely within the Clermtory of New Mexico. ove,. all cam APPROVED, August 2, 1854. g§g¤§ti3n¤é¤;g revenue laws. AP. X V.—An At makin ro 7'i¢`ltl:0I'LS or Li ht-Houses, Li ht-Boats, CIE¥u0ys?ctc?Iazzd prcuidingcfbr the egecégp arlsd establishlflment :5* the same, amYqf>r other purposes. Ba it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following appropri- APP'°I”'i°u°”· ations bc, and the same are hereby, made, and directed to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to carry the provisions of this act into effect: Provided, however, If sn good title to any land which ii, may be necessary _ Pr0vi¤<> M W to use cannot be obtained on reasonable terms, 01* the exclusive right to °‘ms‘ such land cannot be acquired by cession when the interest of the United States demands it, before the appropriation would by law fall into the surplus fund, in any and all such cases, the appropriations shall be applicable to the objects for which they me made, at any time within two years after the first meeting of the legislature, in any State wherein such land may be situated, subsequent to the passage of this acts, to wit : Maine.—For rebuilding light-house and kc0pc1·’s dwelling on Petit Mm"' Mcmm Island, thirty-five thousand dollars. For rebuilding light-house on Bake1·’s Island, five thousand dollars. For rebuilding light-house on Franklin Island, five thousand dollars. For procuring illuminating apparatus, and completing liglwhousc tower and buildings, authorized to be built on Boone Island, nineteen thousand nine hundred and seventy-three dollars. _ For an iron bell-bout, to be stationed to mark A1den’s Rock, five thousand dollars. For fog-signal and dwelling fof keeper, near Manhcigin Light-House, three thousand fivc hundred dollars. For hs.rbor-Iig}11; on O1'IlC£\1‘ brcakwzxter at Portland, three thousand {Ive hundred dollars.