Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/36

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16 THIRTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 66. 1852. For the amount required to pay for dredging the river in front of the dock basin at the Philadelphia navy-yard, twelve thousand dollars. Dry dock, &c., For the amount required to pay outstanding liab1l1t1es'for labor and '*"B'°°k1¥“· materials expended on dry dock, iron gates, pumps, engine-house, etc., at Brooklyn, eighty-eight thousand three hundred and six dollars and nine -five cents. . Fg the amount required to pay for reservations under the contract for engine, etc., for the dry dock at Brooklyn, seven thousand dollars.. Dry dock at For completing the floating dry dock at San F rancnsco, California, SM bFm¤°$S‘;.°¥ authorized by act of third March, eighteen hundred and nfty-one, three

,{h:,:°° VQ: hundred and sixty thousand dollars; and said dock may be used for the

sels. purpose of repairing merchant ships, when not in use by the government, in such manner, for such compensation, and upon such terms and conditions as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy. I _ Temporary For compensation to temporary clerks in the office of the third aud1- ¤l¤rl=¤ °*` thl' for of the treasury employed in making out certificates of service from °u°m°r‘ the muster rolls of one thousand eight hundred and twelve, and the several Indian wars, eleven thousand eight hundred dollars; which sum shall be distributed among the clerks according to the discretion of the proviso, Secretary of the Treasury: Provided, That no salary from this fund shall exceed one thousand dollars per annum, except two, who shall receive twelve hundred dollars per annum. Contingencies For the contingent expenses of the office of the third auditor, to pay °‘ umd °“°“*°'• for preparing books of transfers from the Quartermaster-Genera1’s office, two hundred dollars. _ Extra ¤1¤rk¤ For compensation to extra clerks employed temporarily in the office Q25g_Q' d°P”°' of the Auditor of the Post-Oiiice Department, four thousand dollars. wscaummu For pasting in books, prepared for the purpose, cancelled certincates of the registry and enrolments of vessels returned by the several collect- _ _ ors of the customs, five hundred dollars. A¤t;*“*°*°° md For annuities and grants, seven hundred and fifty dollars. mm Srgppuqg of For the regular supplies of the Quartermastefs Department, consist- Quurtermustzws ing of forage in kind for the horses, mules, and oxen of the Quarter- °°¥’““‘“°““' masters department, at the several military posts and stations, and with the armies in the iield; for the horses of the first and second regiments of dragoons, the companies of light artillery, the regiment of mounted riilemen, and such companies of infantry as may be mounted, and also for the authorized number of officers’ horses when serving in the iield and at the outposts, seven hundred and ninety-five thousand dollars. Tmmportution For transportation of the army, including the baggage of the troops, °" m¤Y· when moving either by land or water; of clothing, camp, and garrison equipage, and horse equipment, from the depots at Philadelphia, St. Louis, and New Orleans, to the several posts and army depots; of subsistence, from the places of purchase, from the places of delivery under contract, to such places as the circumstances of the service may require it to be sent; of ordnance, ordnance stores, and small arms, from the founderies and armorics to the arsenals, fortifications, frontier posts, and army depots; freights, tolls, and ferriage; for the purchase and hire of horses, mules, oxen, wagons, carts, drays, ships, and other seargoing vesselsand boats, for the transportation of supplies, and for garrison purposes; for drayage and cartage at the several posts; hire of teamsters, transportation of funds, for the pay and other disbursing departments; the expense of sailing public transports on the various rivers, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Atlantic and the Pacific; and for procuring water at such posts as, from their situation, require that it be brought from a distance, eight hundred and ninety thousand dollars. uuliiorses for the For the purchase of horses required for the iirst and second regiments Y· of dragoons, the companies of light artillery, the regiment of mounted riflemen, and such companies of infantry as may be mounted, forty thousand dollars.