Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/361

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TI-IIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 194. 1854. 341 Georgia.-—For iron buoys and day-beacons for Tybee Bar and Sa- Georgia. vannah River, ten thousand dollars. For iron buoys for the Altamaha. Sound and River, five thousand dollars. For iron buoys for St. Catharine’s Sound and Inlet, Sapelo and Doboy Bars and Sounds, and the channels leading through them, and at the south bar of Cumberland Sound, five thousand dollars. For iron buoys to be placed in the St. Mary’s and St. Andrew’s Bays, two thousand dollars. Florida. ·—- For the erection of a light-house and beacon-light, to serve Florida. as a range for the channel across the bar in place of the present lighthouse at the mouth of St. J ohn’s River, in addition to the balance of the appropriation, approved August thirty-first, eighteen hundred and 1852, oh. 112. fifty-two, for the preservation of the site, which is hereby.made applicable to the same objects, fifteen thousand dollars. For rebuilding on a proper site, and elevating and refitting with the most approved illuminating apparatus, the light-house at Pensacola, twenty-five thousand dollars. For buoys for the St. John’s Bar and River, two thousand dollars. For elevating and fitting with the most approved illuminating appa-. ratus the light~house tower at Cape Florida, fifteen thousand dollars. For completing the beacon on Rebecca Shoals, five thousand dollars. For iron buoys for Key West Harbor and approaches, one thousand five hundred dollars. For a small beacon-light near or on Fort McRea, Pensacola, one thousand dollars. · For two large iron buoys for Pensacola Bar, one thousand dollars. For day-beacons and buoys, to mark the channels in Appalachicola Bay and St. George’s Sound, from Dog Island light-house, three thousand five hundred dollars. For buoys to mark the bar of the north-west channel of and in Tampa Bay, one thousand dollars. For a light-house on South-West Cape, westside [of_]Appalachee Bay, fifteen thousand dollars. For a beacon, buoy, or bell-boat, as may be found most expedient, to mark the Ocklockonee Shoal, five thousand dollars. For day-marks, buoys, and stakes, to mark the bar and channels of the St. Mark’s River, five thousand dollars. For a beacon-light, to be placed on the most eligible site at or near the western entrance into St. George’s Sound, to enable vessels to enter at night, five thousand dollars. Alabama. — For making permanent five range-stakes, with lights where Alabama. required, at the Choctaw Pass and Dog River Bar, Mobile, one thousand five hundred dollars. For completing the buoyage and stakeage of the channels in Mobile Bay, Dauphin, Petit-Bois, Horn, Ship, and Cat Island Passes, ten thousand dollars. For a light and fog-bell, to be placed on board of the Bethel and Hospital ship, moored in the harbor of Mobile, two thousand eight hundred dollars. Mssisszppi.—For buoyage and stalcage of Pascagoula entrance and Mississippi. bay, and of the approaches to Biloxi, Mississippi city, und Shieldsbord, eight thousand dollars. For a light-house on St. Joseph’s Island, ten thousand dollars. Louisiana. —— For a new light-house at Port Pontcharlrain, in the place Louisiana. of the present structure, which will not admit of being repaired, six thousand dollars. For a new light-house, at Bayou St. John, in the place of the present structure, which will not admit of being repaired, six thousand dollars.