Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/42

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22 THIRTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 66. 1852. last to the Secretary of the Navy, commencing said increased service on the first of January, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, at the rate of thirty-three thousand dollars per trip, in lieu of the present allowance, the sum of two hundred and thirty-six thousand five hundred dollars: Provisoss to Provided, That it shall be in the power of Congress at any time after mxiggag the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, to Iterminate the arrangement for the additional allowance herein provided for, upon giving six months’ notice. _ _ _ _ Judiciary. For defraying the expenses of the Supreme, Cu·cu1t, and District Courts of the United States, including the District of Columbia; also for jurors and witnesses, in aid of the funds arising from fines, penalties, and forfeitures incurred in the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and nfty-two, and previous years, and likewise for defraying the expenses of suits in which the United States are concerned, and of prosecutions for offences committed against the United States, and for the apprehension and safe keeping of prisoners, in addition to former Omen., ,,;,;,,,,.1. appropriations, ninety thousand dollars: Provided, That no officer of the im; ¢>¤¤rt to N- United States who is in attendance upon any court of the United States, $fiiY,i,SQ§sl}§',Y,h°g in the discharge of the duties of said office, shall receive any pay or government. compensation for his attendance as a witness on behalf of the government at the same time that he receives compensation as such officer. (3,,,;,,., in qs,. To enable the Secretary of the Interior to pay to the clerks employed sus in the Census Office on extra duty, at the rate of one hundred dollars for full service, according to the office roll, the sum of ten thousand five hundred dollars. Boundary or For determining, running, and marking the northern boundary of the I°W¤· State of Iowa, on the parallel of ib1‘ty-tl1ree degrees thirty minutes VOL in Pp_ ,,,0 north latitude, in addition to the appropriation heretofore made for the & tas. same object, fifteen thousand dollars. Steamer Bibb. For the reconstruction or repair of the steamer Bibb, used in the survey of the Nantucket shoals, eighteen thousand dollars. D,,,,,, y,,,. ,,,,,1 For establishing a depot of coal for naval purposes at Key West, in at Key West- the State of Florida, twenty thousand dollars. Custom-house For the purchase of a site on which to erect a custom-house at Ban- ¤* B¤¤S°*”· gor, Maine, fifteen thousand dollars. Bath- For the purchase of a site on which to erect a custom-house, Bath, Maine, eleven thousand dollars. Mobile. For the completion of the custom-house at Mobile, Alabama, one hundred thousand dollars; and for the completion of the custom-house L°“l¤Vm°- at Louisville, Kentucky, the additional sum of sixteen thousand dollars. Ginvinrnti- d §`or the completion of the custom-house at Cincinnati, fifty thousand 0 ars. Pittsburgh. For the completion of the custom-house and other public offices connected therewith, at Pittsburgh, thirty-five thousand dollars. St. Louis. For the completion of the fire-proof building in the city of St. Louis, Missouri; for a custom-house and independent treasury building, and other offices of the United States, thirty-seven thousand dollars. N°*‘*`°lk· d {dor completing the custom-house at Norfolk, Virginia, fifty thousand 0 ars. Gontin notes For arrears of contin nt ex enses in the Post-Office De artment 35,; °· 52PM seven thousand five hundred dollgrs. P 7 ` For compensation to temporary clerks employed conditionally to bring up arrears of business in the dead-letter office, one thousand and two dollars and sixty-seven cents. For fuel for the General Post-Otiice building from the twentieth of February, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, to the end of the season, seven hundred and fifty dollars. For the payment of the salaries of the special agents of the Post- Oflice Department to the end of the fiscal year ending the thirtieth of