Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/47

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THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 78. 1852. 27 one and thirty-two, and all that portion of the public lands now included in the districts subject to sale at Iowa City and Dubuque, and lying west of the range line dividing ranges thirty-three and thirty-four, shall form a new land district, to be called the Missouri River District ; and that the district of lands subject to sale at Dubuque shall hereafter be bounded on the north by the northern boundary line of the State of Iowa. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the President be, and he is gppcmment of hereby authorized to appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the giscsfs f°1‘ Wd Senate, a register and areceiver of the public moneys for each of the said mm' districts, respectively, who shall each be required to reside at the site of the respective office to which they maybe appointed, and who shall have the same powers, perform the same duties, and be entitled to the same compensation as are or may be prescribed by law in relation to other land-offices of the United States. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the President is authorized to sine of lands in cause the public lands in said districts, respectively, (with the exception md dl“'l°“· of sections numbered sixteen in each township, reserved for the use of schools, or such other lands as may be selected by law in lieu thereof, and of such other tracts as he may select for military or other purposes,) to be exposed to sale in the same manner and upon the same terms and conditions as the other public lands of the United States. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the President is hereby President may authorized to designate the sites at which each of the several offices ggfffgs 2;.‘2m_ shall be established, and to remove the same to any other places within cu in mq 41.. said districts respectively, whenever, in his opinion, it may be deemed ¤‘i<>*·¤· expedient. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That any location or sales of Saks in other land lying in either of the districts hereby created, made by the land- ggflgts °°¤· officers at Dubuque, Iowa City, or Fairfield, after the passage of this 6 ' act, and prior to the receipt by them of instructions from the Commissioner of the General-Land Office under this act, shall be as good and valid in law as if this act had not been passed. Approved, August 2, 1852. Czar. LXXVIH.—An Act to protect actual Settlers upon the Land on the Line of the A¤8“¤W» 1852- Cenlral Railroad and Branches, by granting Preémption thereto. -————-— Be it enacted by the Senate and House oz Representatives of the Gifted States of America in Obngress ass d, That each and every p,,,;,,,,,,,,;,,, person now an actual settler and occupant, and who, on the twentieth rights swuredw day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred tag Og: and fifty, had made such an actual settlement and improvement as would tm Railroad. have entitled him to a right of preemption under the act of September fourth, eighteen hundred and forty-one, but for his failure to give the requisite notice under that law, or to file proof within due time, on any tract of land now owned by the United States, and situated within the limits reserved from sale by order of the Government, because of the grant of alternate sections to the States of Illinois, Mississippi, and Alabama, in aid of the construction of the Chicago and Mobile railroad and branches, by virtue of an act of Congress, approved_ September twentieth, eighteen hundred and fifty, entitled, “An act granting the 1850,eh.61. right of way and making a grant of land to the States of Illinois, Mississippi, and Alabama, in aid of the construction of a railroad from Chicago to Mobile," shall have the right to purchase, at the price established by law in regulating the sales of said lands, a quantity of the tract so settled on and improved, not less than forty nor more than one hundred and sixty acres, in legal subdivisions, on which said improvements may