Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/54

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34 THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 91. 1852. octave page in any type hereinbefore specified; and allowance shall he made at the same rates for any greater number of copies than sixty- five, and not exceeding one hundred. _ Third. For tabular statements of the orders of the day, lists of yeas OHM mmm` and nays, circular letters, and miscellaneous printing ordered by Con- _ gress, not hereinbefore specified- For composition for plain work, per thousand ems, fifty cents. For rule and figure work, fifty cents per thousand ems. For presswork, folding, and stitching one hundred copies, per page— For royal octavo, or any smaller size, ten cents. For quarto post, twenty cents. For foolscap and any larger size, twenty cents. But the following deductions shall be made from the presswork, folding, and stitching additional numbers to the number usually ordered by Congress of matter included in the foregoing specihcations, to wit: When the number ordered exceeds five thousand and does not exceed ten thousand, two per centum. When the number exceeds ten thousand and does not exceed twenty thousand, five per centum. When the number exceeds twenty thousand, forty per centum. The presswork, folding, and stitching, of all printing not herein pro- Other press- vided for, shall be done by the ream——the rates shall be two dollars per W°l`k» &°· ream when printed on one side, and four dollars per ream when printed on both sides-——when any amount less than one ream is ordered, it shall be counted and settled for as one ream. Kind or paper Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That the regular numbers of docu-

    • 9 b° md Wl ments ordered by Congress shall be printed in octavo form, on paper

nw °f pam weighing not less than fifty-six pounds for every four hundred and eighty sheets, and measuring twenty-four by thirty-eight inches; and the extra numbers shall be printed on paper weighing not less than forty-five pounds for every four hundred and eighty sheets, and measuring twenty-four by thirty-eight inches. The paper for any other species of printing ordered by Congress, may be of such size and quality as the superintendent of the public printing may deem suitable and proper. Nisht ‘}'f’¤`k Sec. 10. And be ·it_further enacted, That the.public printer or printers mw b°r°q“"°d' may be required by the superintendent to work at night as well as through the day upon the public printing, during the session of Congress, when the exigencies of the public service require it. p,.,,,,, ,,0 be SBC. 11. And be it further enacted, That the same prices shall paid for depart- be paid for printing for the executive departments that are paid for ‘“°““‘1 P"“““€· printing for Congress, except for printing post-bills, which shall be printed on paper not less than sixteen by twenty-six inches, and for printing on parchment. There shall be paid for printing the post-bills at the rate of one dollar per thousand sheets, and at the rate of ten dollars per thousand for printing parchments; but nothing shall be allowed for altering post-bills when the alteration consists in the mere change of a postmaster’s name: and nothing herein contained shall prevent the heads of executive departments from employing printers out of the city of Washington, to execute such printing for any of said departments as may be required for use outof Washington, when the same can be executed elsewhere as cheap as at the rates herein specified, increased by the cost of transporting the printed matter to the State or States where _ _ such matter may be required for use in the public service. m·g°*:If(;,‘;’;1';?;*‘ Src. 12. And be it further enacted, That a committee, consisting of to 1,8 ,,p,,0,,,t,,f three members of the Senate and three members of the House of Representatives, shall be appointed by the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House, to be called the Joint Committee on the Public Their_ powers, Printing, which committee shall have a right to decide between the md d““°“· superintendent of the public printing and the public printer in any dis-