Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/578

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558 THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 242. 1854_ fornia, commencing the twenty-third of January, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, four thousand and twenty-eight dollars and eighty-eight cents; For salaries of the chief judge of the District of Columbia, the assistant judges, and the judges of the criminal court and the orphans’ court, eleven thousand seven hundred dollars; For salaries of the Attorney-General, and the clerks and messenger in his office, twelve thousand three hundred dollars; For contingent expenses of the oilioe of the Attorney-General, five hundred dollars; For purchase of law books, and the necessary book-eases, for the office of the Attorney-General, one thousand five hundred dollars; For salary of the reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court, one thousand three hundred dollars ; For compensation of the district attorneys, nine thousand four hundred dollars; For compensation of the marshals, eight thousand two hundred dollars. Miscellaneous. Mt°scellaneous.—For annuities and grants, seven hundred and fifty dollars. I¤<l¤P¤¤d<=¤l¤ Independent Treasury. —F or salaries of the assistant treasurers of the T"”ury‘ United States at New York, Boston, Charleston, and St. Louis, eleven thousand five hundred dollars; For additional salaries of the treasurer of the mint at Philadelphia of one thousand dollars, and of the treasurer of the branch mint at New Orleans of five hundred dollars, one thousand five hundred dollars; For salaries of six of the additional clerks, authorized by the acts of 1846, ch. 90. August sixth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, August twelfth, 1848, eh. 166. one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight, March third, one thousand 1851, cu. ez. eight hundred and fifty-one, and August thirty-first, one thousand eight 1852, eh. 108. hundred and fifty-two, six thousand dollars; For one additional clerk in the office of the assistant treasurer at Boston, Massachusetts, one thousand two hundred dollars; For clerks, messenger, and watchmen in the office of the assistant treasurer at New York, thirteen thousand nine hundred dollars; For salary of a clerk for the treasurer of the branch mint at San Francisco, California, two thousand five hundred dollars; For contingent expenses under the act for the safe keeping, collecting, 18·16,cli.90, transfer, and disbursement of the public revenue of August sixth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, sixteen thousand five hundred dollars: Provided, That no part of said sum of sixteen thousand five hundred dollars shall be expended for clerical services; For compensation to special agents to examine the books, accounts, and money on hand, of the several depositories, under the act of August sixth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, five thousand dollars; CMH1S- F 01* the discharge of such miscellaneous claims not otherwise provided for, as shall be admitted in due course of settlement at the treasury, five thousand dollars: Provided, that no part of the appropriation shall be drawn from the treasury except in pursuance of some law or resolution of Congress authorizing the expenditure; Seamen. To supply a deficiency in the fund for the relief of sick and disabled seamen, two hundred thousand dollars ; Indian agent. To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to compensate the agent employed in paying annuities to Cherokee Indians remaining in North Carolina, three hundred dollars; Steamboat in- For salaries of nine supervising and fifty local inspectors, appointed 'P°°*°”’· under the act of August thirtieth, one thousand eight hundred and filly- 1852**1** 1°°· two, for the better protection of the lives of passengers by ste2tmb02·lS, gviph travelling and other expenses incurred by them, eighty thousand o lars. Coustsurvey. Survey offbe O0ast.—For survey of the coast of the United SMWS,