Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/582

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562 THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 242. 1854. adjoining thereto, situated on Pine street, on which the United States now hold a mortgage, as may be sold to satisfy the same, at a price not exceeding the amount of said lien. Mmm, Hosp;- Manne Ikspimls. —-To complete the marine hospital at Cleveland, in

      • 1*- the State of Ohio, twenty-tive thousand dollars ;

To complete the marine hospital at St. Louis, in the State of Missouri, ten thousand dollars; To complete the marine hospital at Chicago, in the State of Illinois, eight thousand dollars ; To complete the marine hospital at Louisville, in the State of Kentucky, twelve thousand five hundred dollars ; To complete the marine hospital at Paducah, in the said State of Kentucky, five thousand dollars; To complete the marine hospital at Evansville, in the State of Indiana, two thousand dollars; To complete the marine hospital at San Francisco, and to enclose the site and drain the same, and for the necessary out-buildings, forty-four thousand dollars; For the construction of a marine hospital at Vicksburg, in the State of Mississippi, the sum of fifty-Eve thousand dollars ; For prosecuting operations on the marine hospital at Portland, in the State of Maine, fifty thousand dollars ; To provide a. suitable building as a marine hospital at St. Marks, Florida, five thousand dollars ; To provide accommodations for sick and disabled seamen, at Cincinnati, Ohio, fifty thousand dollars; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to use such part of said sum for the purchase of a site for a marine hospital at said place, as he may deem expedient. Light-H0¤¤<> Light-fkuse Establishment.—For supplying light-houses, containing E°mbhShm°"t‘ four thousand one hundred and thirty-three lamps, with oil, lamp-glasses, wicks, buff-skins, polishing powder, whiting, and other cleaning materials; transportation and other necessary expenses on the same ; repairing and keeping the lighting apparatus; publishing necessary rules, regulations, and instructions ; notice to mariners of changes to aids to navigation, and lists of lights, two hundred and thirty thousand six hundred and thirty- seven dollars and forty-two cents ; For repairs and incidental expenses, refitting, and improvements of four hundred and eighteen light-houses, and buildings connected therewith, one hundred and forty-two thousand four hundred and eighty-nine dollars and twenty-one cents; For salaries of four hundred and eighteen l.ight—house keepers, and thirty-eight assistants, and including one thousand two hundred dollars for salary of superintendent of supplies on the upper lakes, one hundred and eighty-three thousand six hundred dollars ; For salaries of forty-nine keepers of light—vessels, twenty-six thousand five hundred and fifty dollars; For sean1en’s wages, repairs, and supplies of forty-nine light-vessels, one hundred and fifty-two thousand nine hundred and forty-one dollars and twenty-three cents ; For expenses of raising, cleaning, and repairing, remooring, and supplying losses, of Heating beacons and buoys, and chains and sinkers for the same, and for coloring and numbering all the buoys, eighty-nine thousand three hundred and Htty-seven dollars and thirty-two cents ; For life-boats and other means of rendering assistance to wrecked iinaifiners and others on the coast of the United States, ten thousand o ars; For life-boats and other means of rendering assistance to shipwrecked mariners and others, on the coast of the United States, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, ten thousand dollars.