Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/590

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570 THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 242. 1854. For Public Reservation Number Two, and Lafayette Square, three thousand dollars ; For grading done by order of Ignatius Mudd, late Commissioner of Public Buildings, in Reservation Number Seventeen, between Third Street east and New Jersey Avenue, four hundred eighty-four dollars and eighty- nine cents ; M,,;,,,,, bum. For compensation of commissioner and surveyor employed upon the 6**7- boundary between the United States and Mexico, and their assistants, including office rent and incidental expenses, thirty-eight thousand one hundred dollars; Annals of GM- For payment of the Annals of Congress for the House Library of the K""' House of Representatives, under resolution of said House of September twenty-eighth, one thousand eight hundred and fifty, one hundred sets of each volume from the twenty-third to the fortieth, both included, in all seventeen hundred volumes, at five dollars per volume, eight thousand tive hundred dollars ; For payment of the Annals of Congress, for one hundred and forty- three members of the thirty-second Congress, entitled to them under the resolution of the House of Representatives of July twenty-sixth, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, one hundred and forty-three sets of twenty-four volumes each, {rom the sixteenth to the fortieth inclusive, in all three thousand four hundred and thirty-two volumes, at five dollars per volume, seventeen thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; Reporting and For reporting and publishing in the Daily Globe two thousand eight P“b1“l““K‘ hundred and sixty-Eve columns of the proceeding of the House of Representatives, for the first session of the thirty-third Congress, at seven dollars and fifty cents per column, twenty-one thousand four hundred and eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents; Gl9b¤ Md AP- For twenty-four copies of the Congressional Globe and Appendix, for pwd1x' the first session of the thirty-third Congress, for each member and delegate of the House of Representatives, making an aggregate of five thousand seven hundred and twelve copies, at six dollars a copy, thirty-four thousand four hundred and sixteen dollars; For binding the Congressional Globe and Appendix, for the first session of the thirty-third Congress, thirteen thousand seven hundred and sixty-six dollars and forty cents; Reporting and For reporting and publishing in the Daily Globe, one hundred and P“bh“h"’8· i;lfty-one columns of the proceedings of the House of Representatives . for the second session of the thirty-second Congress, at seven dollars and Efty cents a column, one thousand one hundred and thirty-two dollars and fifty cents; Documentary To pay a deficiency in the appropriation for eight hundred copies of Hi¤'>°¤‘Y- the Documentary History purchased for the new members of the House of Representatives, from the twenty-sixth to the thirty-second Congress inclusive, being at seventeen dollars twenty-seven cents and two mills a volume, six hundred and fifty-five dollars and twenty cents; For payment of a balance due, for the second and third volumes of the fifth series of the Documentary History, under contract with the Secretary of State, four hundred and seventy-three dollars; 3Sé?:? ‘“d AP For one hundred copies of the Congressional Globe and Appendix, P for the first session of the thirty-third Congress, for House Library, six hundred dollars, and for binding the same two hundred and forty dollars; for one hundred copies of the Congressional Globe and Appendix, for the second session of the thirty-third Congress, for House Library, three hundred dollars, and for binding the same one hundred and twenty dollars; John 0- Hives- To enable John C. Rives to pay to the reporters of the House, for the Congressional Globe, the same amount of additional compensation for reporting this session as was paid them at the last, the sum of three thousand dollars is hereby appropriated, and the clerk of this House is here-