Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/614

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594 THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rus. 17, 18, 24. 1854. Gompeumnon joint resolution to establish certain postwroutes, approved July twelve, f°*’.°*“"5’i¤S '°h° one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, be so construed as to autlwrjm mails on two . rcutes inxew the Postmaste1·—General to pay a. reasonable compensation to the persons York. carrying the mail from Valonia Springs, by the way of N inevah and Commtry, to Oxford, and from Oxford, by the way of Coventryville, to South Bainbridge, in the State of New York, from the time the mail was directed to be carried on said routes, up to the time the first contracts went into operation thereon, exclusive of what has been paid under said resolution, and at the same rate. APPROVED, July 17, 1854. July 20, 1850. [N0. 17.] A Resolution providing for the Distribution of the Works of Thomas Jejérson. Resolved ky the Senate and House of Representatives of the United . . . States of America in Uongress assembled, That the Secretary of the Se- °fE°,”Qgg’_§§‘.}'f1m nate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives be, and they hereby mee Jefferson. are directed to distribute, by mail or otherwise, the works now publishing by authority of Congress, known es the works of Thomas J efferson, in the manner following, to wit: To the President of the United State one copy; to the Libraries of the different Departments, of the Postmaster-Geneml and the Attorney—Geuera.l, one copy; to each member of the present Senate and House of Representatives, one copy; to the office of the Secretary of the Senate, five copies; to the Library of the House of Representatives, ten copies; to the Library of Congress, six copies ; to the Libraries of the States and Territories of the Union, each one copy; to the Smithsonian Institution, the Military Academy, and the Naval School at Annapolis, each one copy; to the Joint Committee on the Library, for the purpose of international exchange, twelve copies; to such colleges and literary and scientific institutions or associations as shall be designated by the present Committee ou the Library, three hundred copies. APPROVED, July 20, 1854. . . oint elution to the Com ensation o the Em lm ees in the Le islatioe De-

 [N;ez1i£1gnt{ftheRéSwemmmt;%fvd to progilrit the atfowarwe ogg tie usual extrg compensation to suc/z as receive the benefits hereof

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the officers, clerks, mes- Gompcnmion sengers, and other employees in the Legislative Department of the Governor empioyw, in ment, shall be paid an increased compensation of twenty per cent. upon C°¤SF°¤¤· the compensation now received by them respectively; and the messengers of the House of Representatives shall not receive less than is allowed to messengers of the Senate of the same class; such increased compensation to commence from the first day of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-three; and that a. sum sufficient to pay the same to the thir— tieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated: Provided, That no person whose compensation was increased by the act approved, 1854, ch· 52- April twenty-two, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, shall be benefited by this joint resolution: Amt provided further, That the usual extra compensation shall not hereafter be allowed to any person receiving the benefits of this joint resolution. Armovno, July 20, 1854. Aug_ 4, use [N0. A Joint Resolution directing the Presentation of a Mala! to Commander Duncan """""""""‘" NZ Ingraham. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United