Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/641

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THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sxzss. II. Ch. 133. 1855. 621 Denmark. — St. Thomas, four thousand dollars. Elsineur, 1'iftecn hundred dollars. Austria. — Trieste, two thousand dollars. Vienna, one thousand dollars. Saxony. ·-—— Leipsic, fifteen hundred dollars. Bavaria. — Munich, onc thousand dollars. Havzscatic and Free O2I¢£es.——Bremcn, two thousand dollars. Hamburg, two thousand dollars. Frankfort-on-the-Maine. —-·- Including the Grand Duchy of Hcssc-Da.rmstadt, the Elcctomtc of Hesse-Cassel, the Duchy of Nassau, and the Lzmdgmvimc of Hesse-Hombourg, two thousand dollars. Wurtemburg. —— Stuttgardb, one thousand dollars. Baden. — Uarlsrue, one thousand dollars. Switzerland.- Basle, fifteen hundred dollars. Zurich, iftccn hundred do Iars. Geneva, Eftceu hundred dollars. Sardinia. — Genoa, ouc thousand five hundred dollars. Yhscemy. —— Lcghom, fifteen hundred dollars. Mngdam of the Two Sicilies. -— Naples, fiftccm hundred dollars. Palc mo, fifteen hundred dollars. Messina, one thousand dollars. Turkish Dominions. — Constantinople, two thousand five hundred dol- Ims. Smyrna, two thousand dollars. Beirut, two thousand dollars. Jerusalem, one thousand dollars. Alexandria, three thousand five hundred dollars. Bm-bury States. ——Ta¤giers, two thousand five hundred dollars. Tripoli, two thousand five hundred dollars. Tunis, two thousand five hundred dollars. (Mina.- Canton, three thousand dollars. Shanghai, three thousand dollars. Amoy, twenty-five hundred dollars. Foucbow, two thousand five hundred dollars. Ningpo, two thousand five hundred dollars. Japan. ——· Simoda. Hakcdadi. Borneo. -- Bruni. Sandwich Jshmds. —— Honolulu, four thousand dollars. Hayti. ——— Port-au-Prince, two thousand dollars. City of St. Domingo, fifteen hundred dollars. México. —-Vera. Cruz, three thousand five hundred dollars. Acapulco, two thousand dollars. Central America. — San J uan del Norte, two thousand dollars. San Juzm del Sur, two thousand dollars. New Granada. — Panama, three thousand five hundred dollars. Aspinwall, two thousand ive hundred dollars. Venezuela. — Laguaym, Bfteen hundred dollars. Brazil. — Rio dc Janeiro, six thousand dollars. Pemambuco, two thousand dollars. Argentine Republic. -— Buenos Ayres, two thousand dollars. Pem.—— Callao, three thousand five hundred dollars. Ohili. -— Valparaiso, three thousand dollars. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That from and after the thirticth Pyovision for day of June next, the President of the United States shall, by and with :§£§$;¤;]¤(f °f the advice and consent of the Senate, appoint cousuls and commercial wmmmm agents for the United States to reside at the following places, who shall ugnts at certain receive, during their continuance in office, an annual compensation for {’¤;;;a:'g*tL;:’Y their services not exceeding the amount specified herein for each, and Wh0 business. shall be at liberty to transact business :—-— _ Great B¢~itmZn.——Southampton, one thousand dollars. Bustol, one Salaries. thousand dollars. Leith, one thousand dollars. Dublin, one thousand dollars. Cork, one thousand dollars. Galway, one thousand dollars. Bombay, one thousand dollars. Singapore, one thousand dollars. Gibraltar, seven hundred and fifty dollars. Island of Maltg, one thousand dollars. Cape Town, one thousand dollars. Port Louxg, one thousand dollars. St. J0hn’s, (N. B.,) one thousand dollars. Fxctou,