Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/720

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700 TI-IIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 204. 1855. Ng’?g’¤’1€¤*l§<> Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Interim- Chgmkeérzfige is hereby authorized and required, to cause to be paid to the North amounts lield in Carolina Cherokees embraced in the roll of John C. Mullay, or the g}f§4§";‘}1°”1£;°t legal representatives of such of them as have died since their enrolment, ’ °the sum of Bfty-three dollars and thirty-three cents, respectively, for the expenses of their removal and subsistence, now held in trust by the United States, according to the terms of the fourth section of the act of twenty-ninth July, Anno Domini, eighteen hundred and forty-eight ; for which purpose there is hereby appropriated the sum of forty-two thousand two hundred and ninety dollars and sixty-nine cents: Provided, That each and every Indian so receiving such payment in full, shall give his assent thereto: And provided, further, That said Secretary shall be first satisfied that the State of North Carolina has, before such payment, by some appropriate act, agreed that said Cherokees may remain permanently in that State, any thing in the treaty of eighteen hundred and thirty-ve six to the contrary notwithstanding. CIl;$y1<1;:¤L;gBr Sec. 4. And be it farther enacted, That the eighth section of the act m of 1,:54 6h_ approved thirty-first July, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, authorizing 107. i the payment of per capita allowance to Cherokees east of the Mississippi, be so amended as to authorize the payment of all such Cherokees, as, being propeply entitled, were omitted on the roll of D. W. Siler, from an cause w atever. Appropriation gmc. 5. And be it further ena/ated, That to enable the President of (Stn2Q2K,::?,;; the United States to carry out, in good faith, the recent treaties with the t;,,,, Ottoes and Missourias, Omahas, Delawares, Ioways, Sacs and Foxes of Missouri, Kickapoos, and the united tribes of Kaskaskias and Peorias, Piankeshaws and Weas, Sliawnees and Miamies, there shall be, and hereby- is, appropriated, the sum of twenty thousand dollars, in addition to the appropriations heretofore made, for the execution of the surveys required by said treaties; and where the net proceeds of the lands ceded by either of said treaties are required to be paid over to the Indians, the President shall cause said lands, or such parts thereof as he may deem Disposition or proper, to be classified and valued, and when such classification and valu-

 °:°él1*;db*°b° ation have been made to his satisfaction, he shall cause said lands to be

m0mm,m,°?°°` offered at public sale, by legal subdivisions or town lots, at such times and places, and in such manner and quantity, as to him shall appear proper and necessary to carry out faithfully the stipulations in said treaties; and said lands shall not be sold at public or private sale for a less price than that fixed by the valuation aforesaid, nor shall any land be sold at aless price than one dollar and twenty-Eve cents per acre, for three years, and thereafter as may be directed by law pursuant to the treaty. Additional Sec. 6. And be ttfurther enacted, That there shall be appointed, as ®'g:*‘{;‘$§¤*:*° now provided by law, an additional agent, at the annual salary of one ·thousand dollars, to reside among the Kansas Indians, as required by the Vw iX_ In Mm sixth article of the treaty of January fourteenth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, and to be charged with the duties therein specided, and to con- _ tinue as long as the President may deem such agency to be advantageous to the said Indians; and also one other agent for the Kickapoos, at the same salary and upon the same tenure. “ A;i¢llE;>¤¤I·th Sec. 7.. And be it further enacted, That there shall be appointed, as Dlmwaregdg ° now provided by law, an additional Indian agent, whose salary shall be Salary of agent fifteen hundred dollars per annum, and who shall be assigned, for such ¥,_°fc“*:*‘i,§;*:§:¤» time as the President may deem necessary, to the Delaware Indians; and Omg, mvg, and the agents for the Kansas, Great Nemaba, and Osage River agencies, Ytsennies, shall hereafter receive the annual salary of fifteen hundred dollars, in LWB mpwr lieu of the salary now allowed by law. ing ropgcry and SEC- 8. And be it further enacted, That the laws of the United States g ¤n¤ on punishing the crimes of forgery, or of depredations upon the mails of e ·°*°°¤<’· me Uma same be a a n · ed m um Ind;,,,, _ , , n ic, same are hereby, extended to, and declared country. to be m full force in the Indian country.