Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/771

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THIRTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 40, 41, 47, 48, 50. 1852. 731 CHAP. XL. -—An Act fw the Relid ¢y" John WZ &binson. May 26, 135;, Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretmy of John W. Robum Interior bc, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place the i”S°’? P1*`*°°'* °’* mmm of John W. Robinson, of the State of Maryland, a. soldier of the pg$SQ¥],:;{11°}:0'Eg mm war with Great. Britain, on the invalid pension roll, at eight dollars Erm-1,18w pcr mouth, to commence on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and fifty, and to continue during his natural lifc. APPROVED, May 26, 1852. CHAP. XLI.—.A.n Actfrr the Reliqf q/’ TWZIXGNL Grccr, Nfqy 26, 1g5g_ Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the _—"""—`" United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of wm_ Greet to the Treasury bc, and he is hereby, directed to pay to W`i11iz1m Greer, b? PEM $6025, out, of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appr0pria’ccd, the sum with mmm' of sixty dollars and twenty-five cents, with legal interest thereon, from July, eighteen hundred and fO1`E_Y-[}\1'€€, it; being in full payment of moneys by him at that time advanced to the United States. Approved, May 26, 1852. Gnu. XLVII.—An Act to change the Name of the American built Wssal named Jung 10, 1852. Amelia, and to grant a Register in her Name. -----———-— Bc it enacted by the Senate and Hozzsc of Representatives of the [/Fzitcd States of America in Ooozgress assembled, That the collector of Nagno of the the customs for the port of Baltimore be, and he is hereby authorized, undcr the direction of the Secretary of the 'l`rcusury, to admit to regis- 0 g ` ter, under the name and title of the “}I{l.1`bi1'1g€1`,” the schooner now owned by Joseph WVO£1,tl1€1`S, and known as the "Amc1ia," Arpnovma, June 10, 1852. Cmur. XLVIII. —— An Act to aut/zorize the issuing a Register to the Scluxmer Caroline, of June 10, 1852. Barnstable. --——-——-—— Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of {hc [Mixed States of America in Congress assembled, That there be issued,_ Register to under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, a register to the ;;§Qfc°° °h° G“` schooner Caroline, em British vcsscl which was wrecked on the coast of ` the United States in January, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, and purchased by Lewis Crosby, a. citizen of the United States, and by him repaired: Provided, It shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Sccrc- Pmviso. tary of the Treasury, that the cost of the repairs made in the United States, after the purchase of the vessel by the present owner, shall cxcccd three fourths of the present value of said vessel, after having been so repaired. Arr1<0vm1>, June 10, 1852. Crum. L.-·An Act to change the Liune of the Steamboat Brilliant. June 15: 1852- Bc it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives Qf the (Mixed States of America in Omzgress assembled, That the owners of the NMM of QM steamboat “Bri1li:mt" bc, and they arc hcrcby authorized to change the fitigéngffggeglgg namc of the said boat to that of Mary Hunt, and to make a new regis- ·•1xmy1{uu:.*· try of said boat in that name, at the port: of Louisville, in the State of Kentucky. APPROVIED, Junc 15, 1852.