Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/840

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800 THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 151, 152, 153 154. 1854. 7 treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Captain George Simpton, of Galveston, the sum of sixteen hundred dollars in full payment of his claim for indemnification for loss of schooner Alert, whilst in the public service during the war with Mexico. Approved, July 27, 1854. July 27, 1ss4. (Juni-. CLI.-An Accgor the Relief of Pemela Brown, the widow <y" Jbfejor-General ——-—-—-——— Jacob rown, late of the Umzed States Army, deceased. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United widow Brown States of America in Congress assembled, Thats the Secretary of the In- 3 be 1>i=z<><·¤il5>¤; terior be directed to place the name of Pamela Brown, widow of the Inte ,,t°$$g§Q°" '° Major-General Jacob Brown, upon the list of pensioners, and to pay hep month, from a, pension at the rate of fifty dollars per month; said pension to com- J“”}‘“’{ 1; i8B8= menee on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight and durmv e1 hfe. . . . g ’ ° continue during her natural hfe. APPROVED, July 27, 1854. July 27, 1g54,_ CuA1=. CLII.—An Act Jhr the klief of William Harris, of Georgia. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting _ Ylilliem Hm- officers of the Treasury be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed

u;}1“;;‘d*;n§i° to settle the claim of William Harris, of Georgia, and pay him for his

` services in the United States army: Provided The same shall not proviso_ exceed the pay and emoluments of a. sergeant’0f infantry from the eighteenth of April, eighteen hundred and fourteen, to the twenty-fifth of November, eighteen hundred and sixteen. Approved, July 27, 1854. July 27, 1854. CHAP. CLIII.——An Actjbr t/za .RcZiof of James M. Gcggin. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Postmaster-General Jams, M_G0g_ be, und he is hereby, authorized and required to settle and adjust the gin'; cl¤im_ as claims ofJj1H1€S M. Goggiu, and that in such settlement he be allowed a f‘¥;Q:1w‘”{‘)Qs8t_ feir and reasonable salary as Special Mail Agent for the State of Celiibrmd and pam, me from the first day of December eighteen hundred and fifty, unt11 the sixthfof l§)I‘i1 eighteen hundred and glftygbreekiwitlr rleasongbgle ellowi-1 ance or o ice ren an per rem an e ire o :1 c er an a sue sum as may be allowed by the Postmaster-General, be psiid to said Goggiu out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. .Arr1c0v1zD, July 27, 1854. July 27, 1854. Gun-. CLIV.—An Act confirming a certain Land Claim in Louisiana known as the --·-----—- Fkuiiau Claim. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the heirs, assigns, and The cmm of legal representatives of Charles J. B. Fleuriau, or Florian, be, and they ,;,,,,1,6,,, 8,,,, of are hereby, confirmed in their claim to u tract of land described in a. pe- Charles 3. B. tition or request addressed by Joseph Villars Dubreuil to the Governor E;f;Q;‘“,fgcQ of and Commissary of Marine of the Province of Louisiana, on the first day land m,·,5ym.,d_ of June, seventeen hundred and sixty-three, as the same was surveyed by A. F. Righter, a deputy-surveyor, in the year eighteen hundred and thirtymine, and certified by H. T. Williams, Su1•vey0r-Genera1 of the State of Louisiana, on the fourteenth of December, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, and for the full extent of the land embraced in said sur-