Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/922

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878 TREATY WITII GUATEMALA. Ntanen 3, 1849. by sale, donation, testament, or risdiecion de la otra, por venta, otherwise, and their representatives, donaeion, testamento, 6 de otro being citizens of the other party, modo; y sus representantes, sicndo shall succeed to their said personal ciudadanos de la otra. parte, sucegoods whether by testament or ab derzin a sus dichos bienes personales intesmto, and they may take pos- ya sea por testamento 6 ab intestate, session thereof, by themselves, or y podran tomar poscsion de ellos others acting for them, and dispose ya sea por si mismos 6 por otros of the same at their will, paying que obren por ellos, y disponer de such dues only as the inhabitants los mismos segun su voluntad, paof the country wherein said goods gando aqucllas cargas solamentc are or shall be subject to pay in que loshabitantes del pais en donde like cases. And ifQ in the case of estan los reteridos bicnes cstuvieren real estate, the said heirs would be sujetos a pagar en iguales easos. prevented from entering into the Y si, en el caso de bienes raiees, los possession of the inheritance on ac- dichos hcrederos fueren impedidos count of their character of aliens, de cntrar en la poscsion de la herthere shall be granted to them encia por razon de su caractcr de the term of three years to dispose estrangeros, se les dara el término of the same as they may think pro- de tres anos para disponer de ello per, and to withdraw the proceeds, como juzguen conveniente, y para without molestation, and exempt estraer el producto sin molestia, y from all duties of detraetion on the cxentos dc todo derecho de deducpart of the government of the re- cion por parte del gobierno de los spective States. respectivos Estados. ARTICLE XII. ARTICUI.O XII. Pmpém, of Both the contracting parties pro- Ambas partes contratantes se citizens cfeither mise and engage formally to give eomprometen y obligan, formal-

*°,g° PS; their special protection to the per- mentc, ft dar su proteccion especial

0[hg]-_ sons and property of the citizens of a las personas y propiedades dc los each other, of all occupations, who ciudadanos de eada una reciprocamay be in the territories subject to mente transcuntcs 6 habitantes de the jurisdiction of the one or of the todas oeupaeiones en los territories other, transient or dwelling therein, sujetos a la jurisdiecion de una y leaving open and free to them the otra, dejandoles abiertos y libres tribunals ofjustiec for their judicial los tribunales de justicia para sus recourse, on the same terms which recursos judieiales, en los mismos are usual and customary with the términos que son dc usoycostumbre natives or citizens of the country in para los naturales 6 ciudadanos del which they may be; for which they pais en que residan; para lo eual may employ, in defence of their podran emplcar en detensa de sus rights, such advocates, solicitors, dcrcchos,aquellos abogados,proeunotarics, agents, and factors as they radores, cscribanos, ajentes, 6 facmay judge propcr in all their trials tores, que juzguen conveniente en at law; and such citizens or agents todos sus asuntos y litijios; y dichos shall have free opportunity to be ciudadanos 6 ajcntcs tendran la present at the decisions and sen- libre ihcultad dc estar presentes en tenccs of the tribunals in all cases las decisiones y sentencias de los which may concern them, and like- tribunales en todos los casos que wise at the taking of all exami- les eoneiernan, como igualmente al nations and evidence which may be tomar todos los examines y declaraexhibited in the said trials. clones quo sc otrezcan en los dichos litijios. Anrterm XIII. Amrreuro XIII. Rights of cm,- It is likewise agreed, that the Se conviene igualmeute CH que science. most perfect and entire security of los eiudadanos de ambas partcs con-