Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/948

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904 CONSULAR CONVENTION WITH NEW GRANADA. MAY 4, 1850. give security to the interests of the ordeu, dar seguridad a los intereses parties concerned, and to cause the salvados, i hacer que se cumplan las dispositions which should be ohserv- disposiciones que deban observarse ed for the entry and export of the para la entrada i salida de estos. property to be fulfilled. In the ab- En ausencia i hasta la llegada del sence of the consul, and until his Consul, deberan tambien dichas Auarrival, the said authorities shalf toridades tomar todas las médidas take all the measures necessary for necesarias para la conservacion de the preservation of the effects of the los efectos naufragados. wrecked vessel. In respect to 10. They may take possession, 1O.T0marposesi6n,formarinven. <¢S¤¤¢¢S 0i" d6- make inventories, appoint apprai- tririos, nombrar peritos para hacer °°“s°d P°"°”°' sers to estimate the value of articles, los avaluos i procedér a la venta de and proceed to the sale of the move- los bienes muebles de los individuos able property of individuals of their de su nacion que hayau muerto cn nation who may die in the country el pais de la. residencia del Consul where the consul resides without sin dejar executores testamentérios leaving executors appointed by their ni heredéros forzosos. En tales will or heirs at law. In all such diligencias, procederé. el Consul proceedings, the consul shall act in asociado de dos comerciantes nomconjunction with two merchants, brados por el mismo,i para la pracchosen by himself, for drawing up tica de las mismas diligencias o la the said papers or delivering the entréga de los bienes o sus producproperty or the produce of its sale, tos, observara las leyes de su naobserving the laws of his country cion y las ordenes que tenga de su and the orders which he may re- Gobierno;pero los Consoles no poceive from his own government; but drén ejercér estas funciones eu los consuls shall not discharge these estados cuya legislacion particular functions in those States whose pe· no lo permita. Cuando el Consul culiar legislation may not allow it. no se hallare en el lugar en que Whensoever there is no consul in haya ocurrido la muerte del indivithe place where the death occurs, duo, las autoridacles locales tomaran the local authority shall take all the las providencias de su resorte para precautions in their power to secure dar seguridad a. los biéues de este. the property of the deceased. 11. Pediralas Autoridades locales In relation to 11. They may demand from the el arresto de los marineros quedesér- d*>¤¢F*¤¤=· local authorities the arrest of sca- ten dé los buques de la nacion a que men deserting from the vessels of the sirva el Consul, exhibiendo, si Tuere nation in whose service the consul necesario, el registro del buque, el is employed, exhibiting, if necessary, rol de la tripulacion, u otro docuthe register of the vessel, her mus- mento oficial que justitique la cleter roll, and any other official docu- manda. Las dichas Autoridades ment in support of this demand. daran las providencias de su compe- The said authorities shall take such tencia para la persecucion, aprehenmeasures as may be in their power sion i arresto de aquellos desertores, for the discovery and arrest of such i los pondran at disposicion del Condeserters, and shall place them at sul; pero si el buque st que portethe disposition of the consul: but if nezcan hubiere salido, i no se prethe vessel to which they belong sentase ocasion para hacérlos partir, shall have sailed, and no opportu- se mantendrén en arresto, a expennity for sending them away should sas del Consul, hasta por dos meoccur, they shall be kept in arrest, ses,i si cumplido este término no at the expense of the consul, for two se hubieren remitido, seran puestos months ; and if, at the expiration of en libertad por las Autoridadcs rethat time, they should not have been spectivas, i no podran ser nuevasent away, they shall be set at li- mente arrestados por la misma berty by the respective authorities, causa. and cannot again be arrested for the same cause.