Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/961

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TREATY WITII COSTARICA. JULY 10, 1851. 917 their citizens on the one part, and Costarica y sus ciudadanos por una the government of the Republic of parte y los Estados Unidos y sus Costarica and its citizens on the ciudadanos por otra parte. other. Anrtcrn II. Ancucuto II. There shall be, between all the Habra entre los territories de la Reciprecmfreeterritories of the United States, and Republica de Costarica, y todos los d°m °f ""“‘“ the territories of the Republic of territories de los Estados Unidos Fi?-gggtiggiggdg Costarica, a reciprocal freedom of una reciproca libertad de comercio. commerce. The subjectsandcitizens Los ciudadanos y subditos de los of the two countries, respectively, dos paises, respectivamente, tenshall have liberty, freely and secure- dran libertad para ir, libre y seguly, to come with their ships and car- ramente, con sus. buques y cargagoes to all places, ports, and rivers mentos, a todos parages, puertos, y in the territories aforesaid, to which rios en los territories antedichos, a other foreigners are or may be per- los cuales se permite 6 se permimitted to come; to enter into the tiere ir a otros estrangeros, entrar same, and to remain and reside in en los mismos, y parmanecer y reany part thereof, respectively; also sidir en cualquiera parte de ellos, to hire and occupy houses and respectivamente; tambien para alwarehouses for the purposes of quilar y occupar casas yalmacenes their commerce; and, generally, para los objetos de su comercio; the merchants and traders of each y generalmente los comerciantes y nation, respectively, shall enjoy the traticantes de cada nacion, respectmost complete protection and secu- ivamente, gozaran la mas completa rity for their commerce.; subject, proteccion y seguridad para su coalways, to the laws and statutes of mereio; estando siempre sujetos a. the two countries respectively. las leyes y estatutos de los dos paises, respectivamente. In like manner, the respective Del mismo mode, los respectivos ships of war and post·otiice pack- buques de guerra y paquetes de ets of the two countries shall have correo de los dos paises, tendran liberty, freely and securely, to come libertad para llegar franca y seguto all harbors, rivers, and places to ramente a todos los puertos, rios, y which other foreign ships of war lugares, a que se permite 6 se perand packets are, or may be permit- mitiere llegar buques de guerra y ted to come, to enter into the same, paquetes de correo de otras nato anchor, and to remain there and clones, entrar en los mismos, anclar ’ reiit; subject, always, to the laws y permanecer en ellos, y repararse, and statutes of the two countries re- sujetos siempre a las leyes y estaspectively. tutos de los dos paises, respeetivamente. By the right of entering the Por el derecho de entrar en paplaces, ports, and rivers mentioned rages, puertos, y rios de que se in this article, the privilege of car- hace relaeiou, en este Articulo, no rying on the coasting trade is not esta comprendido el privilegio del understood; in which trade, na- comercio de escalay cabotage, que tional vessels only of the country unicamente sera permitidoabuques where the trade is carried on are nacionales del pais donde se hiciere permitted to engage. semejante comercio. ARTICLE III. ARTICULO III. It being the intention of the two Siendo la intencion de las dos al- Isrivilegfqs of high contracting parties to bind tas partes contratantes, cl obligarse ;}5"n;'ig§,,°'K; themselves, by the preceding arti- por los articulos prccedentes a tra- wally conceded.