Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 1.djvu/901

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

PUBLIC LAW 99-399—AUG. 27, 1986

100 STAT. 865

(E) with respect to a construction project under subsection (a)(1), has achieved total business volume equal to or greater than the value of the project being bid in 3 years of the 5-year period before the date specified in subparagraph (C)(i); (F)(i) employs United States citizens in at least 80 percent of its principal management positions in the United States, (ii) employs United States citizens in more than half of its permanent, full-time positions in the United States, and (iii) will employ United States citizens in at least 80 percent of the supervisory positions on the foreign buildings office project site; and (G) has the existing technical and financial resources in the United States to perform the contract; and (3) the term "qualified United States joint venture person" means a joint venture in which a United States person or persons owns at least 51 percent of the assets of the joint venture. (d) AMERICAN MINORITY CONTRACTORS.—Not less than 10 percent of the amount appropriated pursuant to section 401(a) for diplomatic construction or design projects each fiscal year shall be allocated to the extent practicable for contracts with American minority contractors. (e) AMERICAN SMALL BUSINESS CONTRACTORS.—Not less than 10 percent of the amount appropriated pursuant to section 401(a) for diplomatic construction or design projects each fiscal year shall be allocated to the extent practicable for contracts with American small business contractors. (f) LIMITATION ON SUBCONTRACTING.—With respect to a diplomatic construction project, a prime contractor may not subcontract more than 50 percent of the total value of its contract for that project. SEC. 403. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACTORS.

Not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall issue regulations to— (1) strengthen the security procedures applicable to contractors and subcontractors involved in any way with any diplomatic construction or design project; and (2) permit a contractor or subcontractor to have access to any design or blueprint relating to such a project only in accordance with those procedures. SEC. 404. QUALIFICATIONS OF PERSONS HIRED FOR THE DIPLOMATIC CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM.

In carrying out the diplomatic construction program referred to in section 401(a), the Secretary of State shall employ as professional staff (by appointment, contract, or otherwise) only those persons with a demonstrated specialized background in the fields of construction, construction law, or contract management. In filling such positions, the Secretary shall actively recruit women and members of minority groups. SEC. 405. COST OVERRUNS.



22 USC 4853.

Women. Minorities. 22 USC 4854.

22 USC 4855.

Any amount required to complete any capital project described in the Department of State's Supplemental Diplomatic Security Program, as justified to the Congress for the respective fiscal year, which is in excess of the amount made available for that project

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