Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 2.djvu/183

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

PUBLIC LAW 99-498—OCT. 17, 1986

100 STAT. 1285

"(3) Funds made available under this section to any institution may not be used for rent or the purchase of facilities to be used in connection with the program, for general operational overhead of the institution or combination of institutions, or for salaries or stipends to students participating in the program. "(4) A grant under this section may not exceed $50,000 for any fiscal year and may be awarded for a period not to exceed 3 years. ADMINISTRATION OF PROGRAMS BY THE SECRETARY

"SEC. 114. The Secretary shall ensure the equitable geographic distribution of funds under this part. In making awards under this part, the Secretary shall consider the equitable levels of funding for urban and rural areas. Grants and contracts under section 111 or 112 may be awarded for a period not to exceed 3 years and may not exceed $100,000 in the first year of funding, except that a grant or contract involving combinations of institutions of higher education or a consortia with other institutions or organizations may not exceed $150,000 in the first year.

Urban areas. Rural areas. 20 USC 1014.


"SEC. 115. There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this part $10,000,000 for fiscal year 1987 and such sums as may be necessary for each of the 4 succeeding fiscal years. One hundred percent of the funds appropriated under this section for fiscal year 1987 shall be available only to carry out sections 111 and 112.

20 USC 1015.


121. (a) ESTABLISHMENT OF PROGRAM.—To carry out the purpose of this section by providing assistance to institutions of higher education, the Secretary is authorized to make grants to, and to enter into contracts with, eligible institutions to ensure a sustained capacity to undertake independent research and research application activities in adult and continuing education. "(b) USES OF FUNDS.—Funds made available under this section to any eligible institution may be used for planning, developing, or operating a program which may include— "(1) identifying and analyzing the special problems and needs of adult learners; "(2) collecting, analyzing, and disseminating information relating to adult learners and their educational and employment objectives, with particular focus on analyzing and disseminating information on the current and projected needs of the labor market; "(3) examining and applying uses of education technologies to reach new and isolated learners; "(4) collecting and disseminating relevant data from Federal agencies and other national and State resources applicable to postsecondary institutional planning for continuing education, including information related to Federal and other forms of student financial assistance; "(5) supporting training programs designed to enhance the effectiveness of faculty to teach adult learners; "SEC.

Grants. Contracts. 20 USC 1016.

State and local governments.