Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 2.djvu/400

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

100 STAT. 1502 " '

Disadvantaged persons.

PUBLIC LAW 99-498—OCT. 17, 1986 "(6) encouraging the application of institutional and community resources to the goal of improving the quality of classroom instruction; and "(7) providing professional development opportunities for teachers of special population groups (pre-school, handicapped children, limited English proficient children, educationally and economically disadvantaged children) in rural settings. "PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT POLICY BOARD

20 USC 1107c.

"SEC. 534. Each professional development resource center shall be planned and operated under the supervision of a professional development policy board, the majority of which shall be representatives or designees of the public and private nonprofit, pre-school, elementary and secondary classroom teachers to be served by such center. Such board shall also include individuals representative of, or designated by, school administrators, the school board (or boards) of the local educational agency (or agencies) served by such center, local business, and at least one representative designated by institutions of higher education, when such institutions are located within reasonable proximity of the center, including (but not limited to) institutions that have departments, schools, or colleges of education. SUBMISSION AND APPROVAL OF APPLICATIONS

Grants. State and local governments. 20 USC 1107d.

"SEC. 535. (a) SUBMISSION.—(1) Any local educational agency or any consortium of local educational agencies including educational service agencies, desiring to receive a grant under this subpart shall make application therefor at such time, in such manner, and containing or accompanied by such information, as the Secretary may by regulation require. Each application shall be submitted through the State educational agency of the State in which the applicant is located. Each such State agency shall review the application, make comments thereon, and recommend each application the State agency finds should be approved. The recommendations of the State education agency shall be taken into consideration by the Secretary in awarding grants under this part. "(2) Each State education agency, in reviewing local educational agency applications for a grant under this subpart, shall seek to assure an equitable within-State geographical distribution of center grant funds so that both large urban and small rural school districts are served. "(b) MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS.—A grant under this subpart may be made only if the application provides— "(1) satisfactory assurances that the program designed for the professional development resource center is based on a thorough assessment of instructional and professional development needs identified by the teachers to be served, including early childhood educational specialists, and establishes goals for the center derived from such assessment; "(2) satisfactory assurances that the program the center plans to provide will meet the needs of the teachers served, including assurances that center activities will lead to in-depth and incremental knowledge and skill development; "(3) a description of the activities planned to meet the center's goals;