Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 2.djvu/612

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

100 STAT. 1714

Grants. Contracts. Health and medical care.

PUBLIC LAW 99-499—OCT. 17, 1986

"(B) Training in the management of facilities at which hazardous substances are located and in the evaluation of the hazards to human health presented by such facilities for State and local health and environment agency personnel. "(10) DEFINITION.—For purposes of this subsection, the term 'alternative or innovative treatment technologies' means those technologies, including proprietary or patented methods, which permanently alter the composition of heizardous waste through ' chemical, biological, or physical means so as to significantly reduce the toxicity, mobility, or volume (or any combination ' thereof) of the hsizardous waste or contaminated materials ' being treated. The term also includes technologies that characterize or assess the extent of contamination, the chemical and physical character of the contaminants, and the stresses impeded by the contaminants on complex ecosystems at sites. "(c) HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE RESEARCH.—The Administrator may conduct and support, through grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts, research with respect to the detection, assessment, and evaluation of the effects on and risks to human health of hazardous substances and detection of hazardous substances in the environment. The Administrator shall coordinate such research with the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the advisory council established under this section, in order to avoid duplication of effort.



,1 to institutions of higher learning to establish and operate not fewer than 5 hazardous substance research centers in the .: United States. In carrying out the program under this subsection, the Administrator should seek to have established and operated 10 hazardous substance research centers in the United r States. "(2) RESPONSIBILITIES OF CENTERS.—The responsibilities of


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each hazardous substence research center established under this subsection shall include, but not be limited to, the conduct of research and training relating to the manufacture, use, transportation, disposal, and management of hazardous substances and publication and dissemination of the results of such research. "(3) APPLICATIONS.—Any institution of higher learning interested in receiving a grant under this subsection shall submit to the Administrator an application in such form and containing such information as the Administrator may require by regulation. (4) SELECTION CRITERIA.—The Administrator shall select recipients of grants under this subsection on the basis of the following criteria: "(A) The hazardous substance research center shall be located in a State which is representative of the needs of the region in which such State is located for improved hazardous waste man£^ement. "(B) The grant recipient shall be located in an area which has experienced problems with hazardous substance management. "(C) There is available to the grant recipient for carrying out this subsection demonstrated research resources.