Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 3.djvu/108

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

100 STAT. 1916

PUBLIC LAW 99-509—OCT. 21, 1986

"(e) The Secretary may designate by regulation specific geographic areas that have less severe weather or sea conditions and from which there is adequate time to return to available safe harbors. The Secretary may reduce the minimum freeboard of a vessel operating in these areas. 46 USC 5105.

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46 USC 5106. c.)


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"§ 5105. Load line surveys "(a) The Secretary may provide for annual, renewal, and other load line surveys. "(b) In conducting a load line survey, the Secretary shall consider whether— "(1) the hull and fittings of the vessel— "(A) are adequate to protect the vessel from the sea; and "(B) meet other requirements the Secretary may prescribe by regulation; "(2) the strength of the hull is adequate for all loading conditions; iAi "(3) the stability of the vessel is adequate for all loading conditions; r -^ «(4) ^jig topsides of the vessel are arranged and constructed to ^ allow rapid overboard drainage of deck water in heavy weather; ^ and ' "(5) the topsides of the vessel are adequate in design, arrange11 ment, and equipment to protect crewmembers performing outside tasks necessary for safe operation of the vessel. "§ 5106. Load line certificate r, ra TIH "(a) On finding that a load line survey of a vessel under this chapter is satisfactory and that the vessel's load lines are marked correctly, the Secretary shall issue the vessel a load line certificate and deliver it to the owner, master, or individual in charge of the vessel. "(b) The certificate shall be maintained as required by the Secretary.

46 USC 5107.

"§ 5107. Delegation of authority "(a) The Secretary shall delegate to the American Bureau of Shipping or other similarly qualified organizations the authority to assign load lines, survey vessels, determine that load lines are marked correctly, and issue load line certificates under this chapter. "(b) Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, a decision of an organization delegated authority under subsection (a) of this section related to the assignment of a load line may be appealed to the Secretary. "(c) For a vessel intended to be engaged on a foreign voyage, the Secretary may delegate to another country that is a party to the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, the authority to assign load lines, survey vessels, determine that the load lines are marked correctly, and issue an International Load Line Certificate (1966). "(d) The Secretary may terminate a delegation made under this section after giving written notice to the organization.

46 USC 5108.

"§ 5108. Special exemptions "(a) The Secretary may exempt a vessel from any part of this chapter when—