Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 3.djvu/267

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

PUBLIC LAW 99-509—OCT. 21, 1986

100 STAT. 2075

"(ii) describe the type of system that will be implemented under paragraph (2) in the absence of such changes. "(2) Not later than December 31, 1988, the Secretary shall promul- Regulations, gate final regulations providing for the implementation of— "(A) the system proposed under paragraph (l)(A)(i), or "(B) if the changes in law specified pursuant to paragraph (l)(B)(i) have not been enacted, the system described in paragraph (l)(B)(ii). ,,, Such regulations shall provide for the full implementation of the system not later than October 1, 1991. "(c) Any data collection system developed and implemented under this section shall— "(1) avoid unnecessary diversion of resources from agencies '^^ responsible for adoption and foster care; "(2) assure that any data that is collected is reliable and consistent over time and among jurisdictions through the use of uniform definitions and methodologies; "(3) provide comprehensive national information with respect to— "(A) the demographic characteristics of adoptive and foster children and their biological and adoptive or foster parents, "(B) the status of the foster care population (including the number of children in foster care, length of placement, type v^f!, of placement, availability for adoption, and goals for ending or continuing foster care), "(C) the number and characteristics of— ••) "(i) children placed in or removed from foster care, and WSJT "(ii) children adopted or with respect to whom adoptions have been terminated, and "(D) the extent and nature of assistance provided by State and local Federal, State, and local adoption and foster care programs governments, and the characteristics of the children with respect to whom such assistance is provided; and "(4) utilize appropriate requirements and incentives to ensure that the system functions reliably throughout the United States.". Subtitle F—Provision Relating to Access to Health Care Sec. 9501. Continuation coverage for retirees in cases of bankruptcies. SEC. 9501. CONTINUATION COVERAGE FOR RETIREES IN CASES OF BANKRUPTCIES.

(a) Loss OF


(1) IRC AMENDMENT.—Paragraph (3) of section 162(k) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to qualifying event with Post, p. 2095. respect to continuation coverage requirements under group 26 USC 162. health plans) is amended by adding at the end the following: "(F) A proceeding in a case under title 11, United States Employment Code, commencing on or after July 1, 1986, with respect to and the employer from whose employment the covered unemployment. employee retired at any time. In the case of an event described in subparagraph (F), a loss of coverage includes a substantial elimination of coverage with