Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 3.djvu/340

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

100 STAT. 2148

PUBLIC LAW 99-514—OCT. 22, 1986 project in December 1982, and the estimated cost of such project is approximately $59,000,000. (viii) A project is described in this clause if the Board of Directors of the primary developer approved such project in December 1983, following selection of the developer by a city council on September 26, 1983, and the estimated cost of such project is approximately $107,000,000." (E)



1984.—A project is described in this subparagraph if— (i) a State or an agency, instrumentality, or political subdivision thereof approved the filing of a general project plan on June 18, 1981, and on October 4, 1984, a State or an agency, instrumentality, or political subdivision thereof confirmed such plan, (ii) the project plan as confirmed on October 4, 1984, included construction or renovation of office buildings, a hotel, a trade mart, theaters, and a subway complex, and (iii) significant segments of such project were the sulbject of one or more conditional designations granted by a State or an agency, instrumentality, or political subdivision thereof to one or more developers before January 1, 1985. The preceding sentence shall apply with respect to a property only to the extent that a building on such property site was identified as part of the project plan before September 26, 1985, and only to the extent that the size of the building on such property site was not substantially increased by reason of a modification to the project plan with respect to such property on or after such date. For purposes of this subparagraph, subsection (b)(2) shall be applied by substituting "January 1, 1998" for "January 1, 1991". (F) A project is described in this paragraph if it is a sports and entertainment facility which— (i) is to be used by both a National Hockey League team and a National Basketball Association team; (ii) is to be constructed on a platform utilizing air rights over land acquired by a State authority and identified as site B in a report dated May 30, 1984, prepared for a State urban development corporation; and (iii) is eligible for real property tax, and power and energy benefits pursuant to the provisions of State legislation approved and effective July 7, 1982, or (iv) the mixed-use development is— (I) to be constructed above a public railroad station utilized by the national railroad passenger corporation and commuter railroads serving two States; and (II) will include the reconstruction of such station so as to make it a more efficient transportation center and to better integrate the station with the development above, such reconstruction plans to be prepared in cooperation with a State transportation authority.