Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 3.djvu/87

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

PUBLIC LAW 99-509—OCT. 21, 1986


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100 STAT. 1895

wise acquire, indebtedness of others, and (D) indebtedness secured by any mortgage, pledge, or lien existing on property owned, subject to such mortgage, pledge, or lien, whether or not indebtedness secured thereby shall have been assumed; (8) the term "funded debt" means all debt created, assumed, or guaranteed, directly or indirectly, by the Corporation and its subsidiaries which matures by its terms, or is renewable at the option of the Corporation or any such subsidiary to a date, more than 1 year after the date of the original creation, assumption, or guarantee of such debt by the Corporation or such subsidiary; (9) the term "liabilities" means all items of indebtedness or liability which, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, would be included in determining total liabilities as shown on the liabilities side of a balance sheet as at the date as of which liabilities are to be determined; (10) the term "person" means an individual, corporation, partnership, association, trust, or other entity or organization, including a government or political subdivision thereof or a governmental body; (11) the term "preferred stock" means any class or series of preferred stock, and any class or series of common stock having liquidation and dividend rights and preferences superior to the common stock of the Corporation offered for sale under section 4012; (12) the term "public offering" means an underwritten offering to the public of such common stock of the Corporation as the Secretary of Transportation determines to sell under section 4012; (13) the term "sale date" means the date on which the initial public offering is closed; (14) the term "subsidiary" means any corporation more than 50 percent of whose outstanding voting securities are directly or indirectly owned by the Corporation; and (15) the term "United States share" means a share of common stock of the Corporation held by the United States Government on the date of the enactment of this Act or as a result of any split required pursuant to section 4012(d).

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(a) PUBLIC OFFERING MANAGERS.—(1) Not later than 30 days after banking, the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Transpor- 45 USC 1311. tation, in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Corporation, shall retain the services of investment banking firms to serve jointly and be compensated equally as co-lead managers of the public offering (hereafter in this subpart referred to as the "co-lead managers") and to establish a syndicate to underwrite the public offering. The total number of co-lead managers shall be no fewer than 4 nor greater than 6. The Secretary shall designate one co-lead manager to coordinate and administer the public offering. (2) In selecting the investment banking firms to serve as co-lead managers of the public offering under paragraph (1), consideration