Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 4.djvu/542

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

100 STAT. 3278 -&li;>vi V i.' y • 38 USC 1416.

38 USC 1651 et

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PUBLIC LAW 99-576—OCT. 28, 1986

(ii) by inserting "after the applicable date specified in clause (1) of this subsection" after "Selected Reserve" in clause (2). (4) The text of section 1416 is amended to read as follows: "(a) A member of the Armed Forces who— "(1) first becomes a member or first enters on active duty as a member of the Armed Forces after June 30, 1985, and does not make an election under section 1411(c)(1) or section 1412(d)(1); "(2) completes at least two years of service on active duty after such date; eeit "(3) after such service, continues on active duty or in the Selected Reserve without a break in service (except as described -~Sf in section 1412(b)(2) of this title); and "(4) but for section 1411(a)(l)(A)(i)(I) or 1412(a)(l)(A)(ii) of this title would be eligible for basic educational assistance, may receive educational assistance under this chapter for enrollment in an approved program of education while continuing to perform the duty described in section 1411(a)(l)(A)(i)(I) or 1412(a)(l)(A)(ii) of this title. "(b) A member of the Armed Forces who— "(1) as of December 31, 1989, is eligible for educational assistg^ce benefits under chapter 34 of this title; "(2) after June 30, 1985, has served the two years required by • section 1412(a)(l)(B)(i); and "(3) but for section 1412(a)(l)(B)(ii) of this title would be eligible for basic educational assistance, may, after December 31, 1989, receive educational assistance under this chapter for enrollment in an approved program of education while continuing to perform the duty described in section 1412(a)(l)(B)(ii) of this title.". (5) Section 1421 is amended by striking out "in addition to" ,% each place it appears in subsections (a)(1) and (b)(1) and insertk ing in lieu thereof "after". ^,j^ (6) Section 1421(c)(1) is amended by striking out "his" and inserting in lieu thereof "the member's". (7)(A) Subsection (a) of section 1431 is amended by striking out y^^ "(d)" and inserting in lieu thereof "(e)". (B) Subsection (b) of such section is amended— s'- !fii' ^^^ ^y striking out "subchapter II or III of; (ii) by striking out "of such subchapter" and inserting in lieu thereof "of this chapter"; ,. (iii) by striking out "(1)" after "before"; and (iv) by striking out "or (2)" and all that follows through "1412(a)(3) of this title,". (C) Subsection (e)(2) of such section is amended by inserting "not" after "educational institution". til (8) Section 1435(b)(2) is amended by striking out "section 1415(a)" and inserting in lieu thereof "subsection (a) or (b) of section 1415". (9) Section 1781(b) is amended by striking out "Chapter 107" in clause (2) and inserting in lieu thereof "Chapters 106 and 107". (10) Section 3013 is amended by inserting "30," after "chapters". (11) Section 3103A(b)(3) is amended— (A) by striking out "or" at the end of clause (D);