Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 5.djvu/1082

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986




Proclamations—Continued Carl T. Hayden Veterans' Special Observances Continued Administration Medical Center, Older Americans Month 396,4435 AZ, designation 3267 Pan American Day and Pan Charles McC. Mathias, Jr. Laboratory American Week 4428 for Environmental Research, MD, Polish American Heritage Month...1141, construction 3488 4506 Charles McC. Mathias, Jr., National Prayer for Peace 4457 Study Center for Trauma and Red Cross Month 4408 Emergency Medical Systems, MD, Salute to School Volunteers Day 3029 designation 1218 Save Your Vision Week 4391 Columbia River Gorge National Senior Center Week 436 Scenic Area Act 4274 Sesquicentennial Year of the Commemorative works, Washington, National Library of Medicine 4401 DC, Federal placement Shays Rebellion Week and Shays standards 3650 Rebellion Day 3513 Debra Sue Schatz Post Office Small Business Week 4403 Building, TX, designation 3531 Thanksgiving Day 4509 Edwin B. Forsythe Post Office Truck and Bus Safety Week 4398 Building, NJ, designation 3531 United States-Canada Days of Peace Fort Sumter National Monument and Friendship 1083 Tour Boat Facility, SC, Veterans Day 4494 acquisition and development 3532 Walt Disney Recognition Day 832 Francis Scott Key Memorial, Welcoming the Afghan Alliance 756 Washington, DC, establishment 3022 White Cane Safety Day 4508 Gene Snyder United States Women's Equality Day 4481 Courthouse and Customhouse, Women's History Week 38,4409 KY, designation 3488 World Food Day 410,4489 Gillis W. Long Post Office Building, World Health Day and World LA, designation 3531 Health Week 76,4422 Harold D. Donohue Federal Building, Year of the Flag 4440 MA, designation 3353 Year of New Sweden 439 Jacob Weinberger Federal Building, Year of the Reader 1242 CA, designation 1228 Youth Suicide Prevention Month...500, 4467 Johnstown Flood Museum, PA, preservation and interpretation 826 Wood shingles and western red cedar, temporary duty increase 4465 Johnstown Flood National Memorial, PA, development ceiling Product Liability Risk Retention Act increase 826 of 1981, amendments 3170-3178 Joseph P. Addabbo Federal Building, Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of NY, designation 72 1986 1934 Juanita Craft Post Office of South Property. See Gifts and Property; Real Dallas, TX, designation 3531 Property. Leslie Nelson Shaw, Sr., General Mail Protection and Advocacy for Mentally Facility of the United States 111 Individuals Act of 1986 478 Postal Service, CA, designation 3530 Providence Hospital Commemorative Plaque Act 501 Martin Luther King, Jr. Federal Building and United States Psychologists. See Health Care Courthouse, NJ, designation 1227 Professionals. Michael J. Dillon Memorial United Public Availability. See Public States Courthouse, NY, Information. designation 3324 Public Buildings and Grounds: Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Albert V. Bryan United States Stadium, Washington, DC, title Courthouse, VA, designation 3328 conveyance 3313 Allegheny Portage Railroad National Silvio James Mollo Federal Building, Historic Site, PA, development NY, designation 3346 ceiling increase 826 Thaddeus J. Dulski Federal Building, Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response NY, designation 3573 Act of 1986 2970 Public Debt Limit: Benjamin S. Rosenthal Post Office Increases 818, 1968 Building, NY, designation 3530 NOTE: Page references are to the beginning page of each law, with the exception of acts being amended or repealed, which cite to peiges where they actually appear.