Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 5.djvu/215

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

PUBLIC LAW 99-658—NOV. 14, 1986

100 STAT. 3689

Section 212 In order to assist the Government of Palau in its efforts to advance the economic development and self-sufficiency of the people of Palau and in recognition of the special relationship that exists between the United States and Palau, the Government of the United States shall provide: (a) To the people of Palau, a road system in accordance with Highways. mutually agreed specifications, the construction of which shall be completed prior to the sixth anniversary of the effective date of this Compact; and (b) To the Government of Palau, the sum of $36 million, during the first year after the effective date of this Compact, for capital account purposes. Section 213 The Government of the United States shall provide on a grant basis to the Government of Palau the sum of $5.5 million in conjunction with Article II of Title Three. This sum shall be made available concurrently with the grant assistance provided pursuant to this Article during the first year after the effective date of this Compact. The Government of Palau, in its use of such funds, shall take into account the impact of the activities of the Government of the United States in Palau. Section 214 All funds previously appropriated to the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands for the Government of Palau which are unobligated by the Government of the Trust Territory as of the effective date of this Compact shall accrue to the Government of Palau for the purposes for which such funds were originally appropriated as determined by the Government of the United States. Section 215 Except as otherwise provided, the amounts stated in Sections 211(a), 211(b), 211(c) and 212(b) shall be adjusted for each fiscal year by the percent which equals two-thirds of the percentage change in the United States Gross National Product Implicit Price Deflator, or seven percent, whichever is less in any one year, using the beginning of Fiscal Year 1981 as the base. Article II Program Assistance Section 221 (a) The Government of the United States shall make available to Palau, in accordance with and to the extent provided in the separate agreement referred to in Section 232, without compensation and at the levels equivalent to those available to the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands during the year prior to the effective date of this Compact, the services and related programs: (1) of the United States Weather Service; (2) provided pursuant to the Postal Reorganization Act, 39 U.S.C. 101 et seq.; (3) of the United States Federal Aviation Administration; and (4) of the United States Civil Aeronautics Board or its successor agencies which has the authority to implement the provisions of paragraph 5 of Article IX of such separate agreements, the language of which is incorporated into this Compact.

