Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 5.djvu/221

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

PUBLIC LAW 99-658—NOV. 14, 1986

100 STAT. 3695

Section 312 The Government of the United States has full authority and responsibility for security and defense matters in or relating to Palau. Subject to the terms of any agreements negotiated pursuant to Article II of this Title, the Government of the United States may conduct within the lands, water and airspace of Palau the activities and operations necessary for the exercise of its authority and responsibility under this Title. The Government of the United States may invite the armed forces of other nations to use military areas and facilities in Palau in conjunction with and under the control of United States Armed Forces. Section 313 The Government of Palau shall refrain from actions which the Government of the United States determines, after consultation with that Government, to be incompatible with its authority and responsibility for security and defense matters in or relating to Palau. Article II Defense Sites and Operating Rights Section 321 The Government of the United States may establish and use defense sites in Palau, and may designate for this purpose land and water areas and improvements in accordance with the provisions of a separate agreement which shall come into force simultaneously with this Compact. Section 322 (a) When the Government of the United States desires to establish or use such a defense site specifically identified in the separate agreement referred to in Section 321, it shall so inform the Government of Palau which shall make the designated site available to the Government of the United States for the duration and level of use specified. (b) With respect to any site not specifically identified in the separate agreement referred to in Section 321, the Government of the United States shall inform the Government of Palau, which shall make the designated site available to the Government of the United States for the duration and level of use specified, or shall make available one alternative site acceptable to the Government of the United States. If such alternative site is unacceptable to the Government of the United States, the site first designated shall be made available after such determination. (c) Compensation in full for designation, establishment or use of defense sites is provided in Title Two of this Compact. Section 323 The military operating rights of the Government of the United States and the legal status and contractual arrangements of the United States Armed Forces, their members, and associated civilians, while present in Palau, are set forth in related agreements which shall come into effect simultaneously with this Compact. Section 324 In the exercise in Palau of its authority and responsibility under this Title, the Government of the United States shall not use, test, store or dispose of nuclear, toxic chemical, gas or biological weapons intended for use in warfare and the Government of Palau assures the Government of the United States that in carrying out its

Armed Forces.

Armed Forces. Effective date.

Arms and munitions. Aircraft and air carriers. Maritime affairs.