Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 5.djvu/226

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

100 S T A T. 3700 ....

P U B L I C L A W 9 9 - 6 5 8 — N O V. 14, 1986 .


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Article IV

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Section 441 This Compact may be terminated by mutual agreement and subject to Section 451, Section 442 This Compact may be terminated by the Government of the United States subject to Section 452, such termination to be effective on the date specified in the notice of termination by the Government of the United States but not earlier than six months following delivery of such notice. The time specified in the notice of termination may be extended. Section 443 This Compact shall be terminated, pursuant to its constitutional processes, by the Government of Palau subject to Section 452 if the people of Palau vote in a plebiscite to terminate. The Government of Palau shall notify the Government of the United States of its intention to call such a plebiscite which shall take place not earlier than three months after delivery of such notice. The plebiscite shall be administered by such government in accordance with its constitutional and legislative processes, but the Government of the United States may send its own observers and invite observers from a mutually agreed party. If a majority of the valid ballots cast in the plebiscite favors termination, such government shall, upon certification of the results of the plebiscite, give notice of termination to the Government of the United States, such termination to be effective on the date specified in such notice but not earlier than three months following the date of delivery of such notice. The time specified in the notice of termination may be extended. Article V


Survivability Section 451 Should termination occur pursuant to Section 441, economic assistance by the Government of the United States shall continue on mutually agreed terms. ^ ^ io •£ Section 452 Should termination occur pursuant to Section 442 or 443, the following provisions of this Compact shall remain in full force and effect until the fiftieth anniversary of the effective date of this Compact and thereafter as mutually agreed: , ^,, (a) Article I and Section 233 of Title Two; (b) Title Three; and . (c) Articles II, III, V and VI of Title Four. ^ Section 453 > <.r Notwithstanding any other provision of this Compact: (a) The provisions of Section 311, even if Title Three should terminate, are binding and shall remain in effect for a period of 50 years and thereafter until terminated or otherwise amended by mutual consent; (b) The related agreements referred to in Article II of Title Three shall remain in effect in accordance with their terms; and