Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 5.djvu/733

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

PUBLIC LAW 99-662—NOV. 17, 1986

100 STAT. 4207

The project for hydroelectric power, Alabama-Coosa River Basin, Cartecay Lake, Georgia, authorized by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, Public Law 14, Seventy-ninth '


Congress. 59 Stat. 10. The project for hydroelectric power, Alabama-Coosa River Basin, Gilmer Lake, Georgia, authorized by the River and ^^' Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, Public Law 14, Seventy-ninth Congress. The project for hydroelectric power, Alabama-Coosa River Basin, ICingston Lake, Georgia, authorized by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1945, Public Law 14, Seventy-ninth ^^ Congress. The project for hydroelectric power, Lazer Creek Lake, Georgia, authorized by the Flood Control Act of 1965. 79 Stat. 1073. The project for hydroelectric power, Lower Auchumpkee Creek Lake, Georgia, authorized by the Act of December 30, 1963, Public Law 88-253. 77 Stat. 840. The project for hydroelectric power, Spewrell Bluff Lake, Georgia, authorized by the Act of December 30, 1963, Public Law 88-253. ^ HAWAII

The project for navigation, Ala Wai Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii, author^ed by the River and Harbor Act of 1968. 82 Stat. 731. The project for beach erosion control, Hanapepe Bay Seawall, Kauai, Hawaii, authorized by the River and Harbor Act of 1958. 72 Stat. 297. The project for beach erosion control, Waimea Beach Seawall, Kauai, Hawaii, authorized by the River and Harbor Act of 1958. ^ IDAHO

The project for flood control. South Fork, Clearwater River, Idaho, authorized by Flood Control Act of 1950. 64 Stat. 163. The project for flood control, Teton River, Idaho, authorized by Flood Control Act of 1950. The project for flood control, Blackfoot Reservoir, Idaho, authorized by Flood Control Act of 1962. 76 Stat. 1180. The project for flood control, Boise Vgdley, Idaho, authorized by Flood Control Act of 1950. The project for flood control, Cottonwood Creek Dam, Idaho, authorized by Flood Control Act of 1966. 80 Stat. 1418. The project for flood control, Heise-Roberts Levee Extension, Idaho, authorized by Flood Control Act of 1950, except for constructed levees along the left bank of the Snake River downstream from the mouth of Henry's Fork. ' ' The project for flood control, Whitebird Creek, Idaho, authorized by Flood Control Act of 1950.


The improvements to the beartraps feature of the project for navigation. Dam 43, Ohio River, Illinois, authorized by the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1909, Public Law 317, Sixtieth Congress. The project for flood control. Farmers Drainage and Levee District, Illinois, authorized by Flood Control Act of 1962.
