Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 5.djvu/831

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

PUBLIC LAW 99-664—NOV. 17-, 1986

100 STAT. 4305

(d) HAIDA DEADLINE.—Haida Corporation shall have two years from the date of enactment of this Act within which to accept the offers provided in this section by providing to the Secretary a properly executed and certified corporate resolution binding upon the corporation with respect to the relinquishment and conveyance of all of the corporation's right, title, and interest in the lands specified in subsection (a) and/or si^section Qi) and/or subsection (c) of this section. At the Secretary's discretion, the Secretary may require that any such resolution be accompanied by an opinion of counsel to Haida Corporation stating that the resolution comports with all requirements of Federal and State law and the rules and bylaws of the Haida Corporation.

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(a) ISLAND AREA.—For and in consideration of the relinquishment

to the United States of all of Sealaska's right, title, and interest in Goat Island and South Pass Islands, the cooperative information and education branch site and such other lands of the Haida Exchange Lands as Haida Corporation may relinquish and convey pursuant to subsection 3(c), there is hereby offered to Sealaska, an exchange of lands or interests therein on an equal value basis. (b) OTHER AREAS.—If not later than two years after the date of enactment of this Act, Sealaska notifies the Secretary and the Secretary of the Interior of Sealaska's desire to make an exchange, the Secretary of the Interior shall convey to Sealaska the subsurface estate in lands conveyed to Haida Corporation pursuant to this Act in exchange for the subsurface estate in the Haida Exchange Lands conveyed to the United States by Haida Corporation pursuant to section 3(a). (c) DEADLINE.—Sealaska shall have two years from the date of enactment of this Act within which to accept the offer made by subsection (a) by providing to the Secretary a properly executed and certified corporate resolution binding upon Sealaska with respect to the relinquishment and conveyance of all Sealaska's interest in Goat Island and South Pass Islands, in the cooperative information and education branch site, and in such other lands of the Haida Exchange Lands as Haida Corporation relinquishes and conveys pursuant to section 3(c). At the Secretary's discretion, the Secretary may require that any such resolution be accompanied by an opinion of counsel to Haida Corporation and Sealaska stating that the resolutions comport with all requirements of Federal and State law and the rules and bylaws of the corporations.

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(a) CONTINGENCY.—In the event that Haida Corporation does not make a timely acceptance of the offers made by section 3, any acceptance by Sealaska shall be ineffective and the United States shall not be bound to acquire any of Sealaska's interests in Goat Island, or South Pass Islands or Haida Exchange Lands. (b) MANAGEMENT.—If they are acquired by the United States National Forest pursuant to this Act, Goat Island and South Pass Islands shall be System. included within the Tongass National Forest, and shall be managed in accordance with laws applicable to the National Forest System and other applicable law. Subject to valid existing rights. Goat Island and South Pass Islands are hereby withdrawn from State selection under the Alaska Statehood Act and from native selection 48 USC note under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. The provisions of PJ^*^; ^l. note.