Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 101 Part 1.djvu/464

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1987

101 STAT. 434

PUBLIC LAW 100-71—JULY 11, 1987 ,



The Congress disapproves deferral D87-42 relating to the Federal Railroad Administration, "Rail Service Assistance", as set forth in the message of January 28, 1987, which was transmitted to the Congress by the President. The disapproval shall be effective upon enactment into law of this Act and the amount of the proposed deferral disapproved herein shall be made available for obligation. NORTHEAST CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (DISAPPROVAL OF DEFERRAL)

The Congress disapproves deferral D87-45 relating to the Federal Railroad Administration, "Northeast Corridor Improvement Program", as set forth in the message of January 28, 1987, which was transmitted to the Congress by the President. The disapproval shall be effective upon enactment into law of this Act and the amount of the proposed deferral disapproved herein shall be made available for obligation. RAILROAD REHABIUTATION AND IMPROVEMENT FINANCING FUNDS


For payment to the Secretary of the Treasury for debt reduction, $12,500,000, to remain available until expended, together with such sums as may be necessary for the payment of interest due to the Secretary of the Treasury under the terms and conditions of such debt. SETTLEMENTS OF RAILROAD LITIGATION

45 USC 720.

For the settlement of promissory notes pursuant to section 210(f) of the Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973 (Public Law 98-236), as amended, $56,928,495, to remain available until expended, together with such sums as may be necessary for the payment of interest due to the Secretary of the Treasury under the terms and conditions of such notes. CONRAIL COMMUTER TRANSITION ASSISTANCE (DISAPPROVAL OF DEFERRAL)

The Congress disapproves deferral D87-46 relating to the Federal Railroad Administration, "Conrail Commuter Transition Assistance", as set forth in the message of January 28, 1987, which was K -^..'S-'ty transmitted to the Congress by the President. The disapproval shall v be effective upon enactment into law of this Act and the amount of the proposed deferral disapproved herein shall be made available for obligation.