Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 101 Part 1.djvu/548

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1987

101 STAT. 518

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42 USC 1383. 42 USC 1381.

100 Stat. 1^83-242, 3341-242.

PUBLIC LAW 100-77—JULY 22, 1987

"(4) provide, in accordance with subsection (b), appropriate training to individuals who provide services to individuals described in paragraph (1), including the training of individuals who work in shelters, mental health clinics, and other sites where homeless individuals receive services; "(5) provide appropriate case management services to homeui less individuals, including— "(A) preparing a plan for the provision of community mental health services to the homeless individual involved and reviewing such plan not less than once every 3 months; "(B) providing assistance in obtaining and coordinating social and maintenance services for the individual, including services relating to daily living activities, transportation services, and habilitation and rehabilitation services, prevocational and vocational services, and housing services; "(C) providing assistance to the individual in obtaining income support services, including housing assistance, food

  • ««*stamps, and supplemental security income benefits;

~^ "(D) referring the individual for such other services as f,, may be appropriate; and "(E) providing representative payee services in accordance with section 1631(a)(2) of the Social Security Act if the individual is receiving aid under title XVI of such Act and if the applicant is designated by the Secretary to provide such services; and "(6) provide supportive and supervisory services to homeless

? individuals in residential settings not supported under—

y "(A) the transitional housing demonstration program carried out by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to section 101(g) of Public Law 99-500 or Public Law 99-591; or "(B) the supportive housing demonstration program established in subtitle C of title IV of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act. "(b)


STAFF.—The Secretary may not make payments under section 521(a) to a State for a fiscal year unless the State agrees that training required in subsection (a)(4) will include training with respect to— "(1) identifying individuals who are chronically mentally ill; "(2) referring individuals to services available to such individuals, including job training services, literacy education, commu^ nity health centers, community mental health centers, and substance abuse treatment programs; and "(3) identifying programs that provide benefits to homeless individuals and referring such individuals to the programs. RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF PAYMENTS

42 USC 290CC-25.


"SEC. 525. (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary may not make payments under section 521(a) to a State unless the applicant agrees that amounts received pursuant to such section will not be expended— "(1) to provide inpatient services; "(2) to make cash payments to intended recipients of mental health services;