Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 101 Part 1.djvu/559

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1987

PUBLIC LAW 100-77—JULY 22, 1987

101 STAT. 529

a State under this subtitle with other services for homeless individuals assisted under this Act. SEC. 733. APPLICATION.

Each applicant which desires to receive a demonstration grant under this subtitle shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and containing or accompanied by such information as the Secretary may reasonably require. Each such application shall include— (1) a description of the activities for which assistance is sought; (2) plans for the coordination and outreach activities, particu2 larly with case managers and care providers, designed to y achieve referral of homeless individuals to the demonstration g.' projects authorized by this subtitle; (3) plans to offer in-shelter outreach and assessment activities and where practicable, pre-employment services, so as to injcrease the participation of homeless individuals in the demonstration project and to contract for, or provide, training services and activities; (4) a description of the standards by which performance may

- be measured under the demonstration project, together with

assurances that a preliminary evaluation of the project will be V completed not later than the end of the first year for which assistance is sought; (5) assurances that the recipient of demonstration grants under this subtitle will pay the non-Federal share of the activities for which assistance is sought from non-Federal sources; and (6) such additional Eissurances as the Secretary determines are necessary to insure compliance with the requirements of this subtitle. SEC. 734. AUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES.

42 USC 11443.

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42 USC 11444.

Demonstration grants under this subtitle may be used for— (1) basic skills instruction; (2) remedial education activities; (3) basic literacy instruction; V M (4) job search activities; (5) job counseling; "' (6) job preparatory training, including resume writing and s interviewing skills; and (7) any other activities described in section 204 of the Job ': Training Partnership Act which the grant recipient determines 29 USC 1604. will contribute to carrying out the objectives of this subtitle; for homeless individuals. SEC. 735. PAYMENTS; FEDERAL SHARE; LIMITATION.

(a) PAYMENTS.—The Secretary shall pay to each applicant having an application approved under section 733 the Federal share of the cost of activities described in the application. (b) FEDERAL SHARE.—

(I)(A) The Federal share for each fiscal year shall be not less than 50 percent nor more than 90 percent. (B) The Federal share shall be determined by the Secretary for each recipient under this subtitle based upon the ability of

42 USC 11445.