Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 101 Part 2.djvu/1298

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1987

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Proclamations—Continued TariffsCanadian softwood lumber products, surcharge 2060 Cheese, European Economic Community, modifications 2088 European EJconomic Community, increase on certain articles 2067 Generalized System of Preferences, amendments 2086, 2136, 2177 Japan, increase on certain articles 2101 Poland, restoration of most-favored nation treatment 2078 Steel, stainless and alloy tool, increases and restrictions 2163 Textile agreements, treatment modifications 2118 Property. See Gifts and Property; Real Property. Psychologists. See Health Care Professionals. Public Availability. See Public Information. Public Buildings and Grounds: Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium, DC, designation 746 Aubrey A. 'Tex' Gunnels Dormitory Complex, GA, designation 1329 Charles E. Chamberlain Federal Building and United States Post Office, MI, designation 893 Dr. Hector Perez Garcia Post Office Building, TX, designation 1766 Federal Triangle Development Act 735 Harold Washington Social Security Center, IL, designation 1438 HoUings Judicial Center, SC, designation 1329 Hugo L. Black United States Courthouse, AL, designation 901 John E. Grotberg Post Office Building, IL, designation 679 John W. Wydler United States Post Office, NY, designation 1449 Kenneth G. Ward Border Station, WA, designation 376 Knipling-Bushland Research Laboratory, TX, designation 1439 Peace Garden, DC, establishment 379 Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act 482 Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr., Federal Building, MA, designation 375 Tom Bevill Lock and Dam, AL, designation 1329 Tom Bevill Resource Maneigement and Visitor Center at Aliceville Lake on the Tennessee. Tombigbee Waterway, AL, designation 1329

Warren E. Burger Federal Building and United States Courthouse, MN, designation 479 Wilbur J. Cohen Federal Building, DC, designation 715 Public Debt Limit: Increases 308,542,550,754 Thrift Savings Fund Investment Act of 1987 315 Public Health Service, physicians comparability allowance and psychologists special pay 830 Public Health Service Act, amendments...511, 515, 516, 524, 713, 979, 987, 1330-97, 1330-221 Public Health Service Amendments of 1987 986 Public Information: Agricultural Credit Act of 1987 1568 Aircraft overflights, study 674 Arms Control and Disarmament Amendments Act of 1987 1444 Big Bend National Park, TX, boundary revision 1328 Continuing appropriations, fiscal year 1988 1329 El Malpais National Monument and Conservation Area, NM, establishment 1539 Idaho Power Company, environmental study 1450 Independent Counsel Reauthorization Act of 1987 1293 Jimmy Carter National Historic Site and Preservation District, GA, establishment 1434 Kings River Special Management Area, CA, establishment 881 Michigan Wilderness Act of 1987 1274 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989 1019 Older Americans Act Amendments of 1987 926 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 1330 Santa Fe National Historic Trail, designation 302 Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act 482 Stones River National Battlefield, TN, boundary revision 1433 Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1987 391 United States-Japan Fishery Agreement Approval Act of 1987 1458 Public Lands: See also National Parks, Monuments, Etc.; Public Buildings and Grounds. Alabama, conveyance 383

NOTE: Page references are to beginning pages of each law—with the exception of acts being amended, repealed, or established, which cite to pages where they actually appear.