Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 101 Part 2.djvu/307

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1987

PUBLIC LAW 100-191—DEC. 15, 1987

101 STAT. 1293

Public Law 100-191 100th Congress An Act To amend title 28, United States Code, with respect to the appointment of independent counsel.

Dec. 15, 1987 [H.R. 2939]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Independent United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.

This Act may be cited as the "Independent Counsel Reauthorization Act of 1987". SEC. 2. AMENDMENTS RELATING TO INDEPENDENT COUNSEL.

Chapter 40 of title 28, United States Code, is amended to read as follows:

Counsel Reauthorization Act of 1987. Government organization and employees. Law enforcement and crime. 28 USC 1 note.

"CHAPTER 40—INDEPENDENT COUNSEL "Sec. "591. Applicability of provisions of this chapter. "592. Preliminary investigation and application for appointment of an independent counsel. "593. Duties of the division of the court. "594. Authority and duties of an independent counsel. "595. Congressional oversight. "596. Removal of an independent counsel; termination of office. "597. Relationship with Department of Justice. "598. Severability. "599. Termination of effect of chapter.

"§ 591. Applicability of provisions of this chapter

28 USC 591.


ERED PERSONS.—The Attorney General shall conduct a preliminary investigation in accordance with section 592 whenever the Attorney General receives information sufficient to constitute grounds to investigate whether any person described in subsection (b) may have violated any Federal criminal law other than a violation classified as a Class B or C misdemeanor or an infraction. "(b)


referred to in subsection (a) are— "(1) the President and Vice President; "(2) any individual serving in a position listed in section 5312 of title 5; "(3) any individual working in the Executive Office of the President who is compensated at a rate of pay at or above level II of the Executive Schedule under section 5313 of title 5; "(4) any Assistant Attorney General and any individual working in the Department of Justice who is compensated at a rate of pay at or above level III of the Executive Schedule under section 5314 of title 5; "(5) the Director of Central Intelligence, the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, and the Commissioner of Internal Revenue;

President of U.S. Vice President of U.S.